and proceedings, recorded in a book to be kept for the
purpose, and said minutes, or a copy thereof, certified
to be correct, under the hand and seal of a majority
of said managers, shall be considered evidence of
their acts and proceedings, in all judicial proceed-
CHAP. 327.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the said managers, at their first meeting to be, held
as aforesaid, to divide each of the election districts of
Montgomery county into a suitable and convenient
number of school districts, and from lime to time to
alter and regulate the same, as the public good, or
convenience, of the people may require; provided how-
ever, that in laying off said districts, or in altering the
same, no tract, or parts of tracts of land, lying conti-
guous and forming one farm, shall be divided so that
portions of the same property shall be included in two
separate districts, unless the same shall exceed one
thousand acres of land; and provided further, that no
such divisions or alteration shall be made until public
notice be given to the owner, or owners, of such pro-
Division into school
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the powers vested by
law in the present treasurer of Montgomery county, are
hereby continued, and he, or any other person that
may be hereafter appointed treasurer, by the proper
authority, shall be authorized and required to perform
commissioners for Montgomery county shall ascertain
and apportion, annually, among the several election
districts of said county, according to the number of
free white children between the ages of six and sixteen,
the dividends to which said county is entitled, and the
shall apportion
school monies.
money which shall be received by said treasurer out
of the several funds appropriated to the purposes of
Received by trea-
education in this State, and immediately after making
such estimate and apportionment, shall present said
managers with a detailed statement thereof.
Statement thereof
to managers.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted. That the said managers
may draw on said treasurer for their respective por-
tions of the said school fund, but before proceeding to
Who are authorised
to draw.
draw, each of said managers shall give bond to the
State, with security, for the faithful discharge of his
duty, to be approved by said commissioners, which
Bond required.