CHAP. 267.
Appeal insured.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That nothing contained in
this act shall be so construed as to prevent the right
of appeal, in the same manner as though the commis-
sioners were appointed in the usual manner.
Cost of proceedings.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That in the event that no
alteration of said road, shall be ordered and adjudged,
on the petition hereinbefore provided for, then the costs
of all proceedings on said petition shall be paid by the
petitioner, otherwise, the costs may be adjudged to be
paid by the county, as in other cases.
Passed Mar. 28,
An act prescribing general regulations for the incorpo-
ration of Manufacturing and Mining Companies.
Regulations for fu-
ture charters.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That whensoever, hereafter, any joint
stock company, shall be. incorporated for the purposes
of manufacturing, or for the purposes of exploring,
and mining for gold, coal, copper, iron, or other min-
eral substances, such company shall be established with
the rights and privileges, and under the rules, regula-
tions and restrictions, hereinafter provided.
Power to sue and
be sued.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That said company shall
have power under the name and style, set forth in the
act of incorporations, to sue, and be sued, contract and
Hold estate.
be contracted with, to have and use a common seal,
and change the same at pleasure, and may hold real
estate, the number of acres, and the county or coun-
ties, city or cities, town or towns, in which said real
estate is situate, to be specified in the said act, of in-
corporation, and personal property, for the purpose of
conducting the business of manufacturing, exploring,
or mining, for which said company, shall be incorporat-
Make By-laws.
ed, and shall have power to make such by-laws, rules
and regulations, not contrary to the laws of the Unit-
ed States, or of this State, as may be deemed expedi-
ent and proper for the government of said corporation,
but they shall not be authorised in any manner, or un-
der any pretence, to divest the capital of said company,
from the specified purposes for which they are incor-
porated; provided, that nothing herein contained, shall