perform, which said compensation shall be levied and
collected as other county charges are.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
shall at their first levy term after the final completion
of the assessment, proceed to levy the taxation on the
said new assessment, as the circumstances of the coun-
ty may require.
CHAP. 215.
Levy to be laid on
this valuation.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That in the event of the
death of either of the persons aforenamed as assessors,
or in case of their removal from said county, or re-
fusal to act, the Governor shall appoint some other
person or persons, not members of the hoard of com-
missioners of said county, to fill such vacancy or
vacancies, to discharge the duties in this act pre-
scribed, and that such person or persons so appointed,
shall in all respects comply with the provisions of
this act.
Case of vacancy
provided for.
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That the return of the
valuation and assessment of the assessors herein named,
or provided for, shall be made to the aforesaid com-
missioners, on or before the first day of October next,
and if confirmed and ratified by them, or a majority
of them, at their next regular or stated meeting after
the said return shall have been made, shall be good
and valid to all intents and purposes.
Valuation to be
completed by 1st
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That from and after the
passage of this act, the commissioners of Allegany
county are hereby authorized, in their discretion, at
their next meeting after the return of the aforesaid as-
sessors, and at any regular meeting for one year from
that date, to reconsider and examine the assessment
and valuation of any real and personal property valued
under this act, and if said commissioners, or a majori-
ty of them, shall be of opinion that any valuation of
the real or personal property made by virtue of this
act, is too high, or too low, they are hereby authoriz-
ed and empowered to make such alteration in the valu-
Commissioners au-
thorised to revise
and correct the
ation of the same as shall appear just and right; pro-
vided however, that whenever there may be a recon-
sideration and re-examination of the real or personal
property, of any person or persons, or body corporate,
that after twenty days public notice of such reconsidera-
tion and re-examination shall be given by the clerk of
Notice required.