CHAP. 210.
over and exclusive of all expenses, charges and sums
of money, which they are, or shall be required by law,
to levy and collect for other purposes.
Passed Mar. 19,
An act to authorize Jacob Caples, former collector of
taxes in the seventh collection district in Baltimore
County, to complete his collection.
Authority to col-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Jacob Caples, former collector of the
second collection district of Baltimore county, be, and
he is hereby authorized and empowered, to collect any
taxes, or balance of taxes now remaining due to, and
uncollected by him, in the district aforesaid, in the
same manner and with the same privileges and powers.
as are allowed by the existing laws, in such cases made
and provided.
Accounts to be for-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid Jacob,
Caples shall in every instance, before he proceed to
the collection, make affidavit, or affirm before some
justice of the peace of said county, that the same re-
mains unpaid, and that he has not received any secu-
rity or satisfaction for the same, or any part thereof,
more than what credits may be allowed thereon.
Limit 1 year.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall not
continue in force longer than one year from the first
day of July next.
Passed Mar. 19,
An act to divorce Benjamin Teate, of Queen Ann's Coun-
ty, from his wife, Mary Teate.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Benjamin Teate, of Queen Ann's county, be, and
he is hereby divorced from his wife, Mary Teate a
vinculo matrimonii.