and grants whatsoever; and to make, have and use a
common seal, and the same to renew at pleasure; and
generally to do every other act or thing necessary to
carry into effect the provisions of this act.
CHAP 143.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That there shall be a meet-
ing of the members of the said Western Mechanics
Savings Institution of Baltimore, on such day in the
month of March next, and at such place as the five
persons first named in this act, or any three of them,
shall appoint, and give at least ten days notice of such
meeting in two or more newspapers printed in the city
of Baltimore, and on such day in the month of March,
eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, and at such place
Meeting to organ-
Notice required.
annually thereafter, as the by laws of said institution
shall provide, for the purpose of choosing from among
the members, twelve directors to manage the affairs of
the institution for twelve, months thereafter, and until
a new election of directors shall take place; and the
Annual meetings
Elect officers.
five members first above named shall be judges of the
first election of directors, and the judges of all future
elections shall be appointed, and notice of such elec-
tions given in such manner as the by-laws of said in-
stitution shall provide; provided, that such elections
shall be made within one month from the expiration of
the term for which the preceding directors shall have
been elected.
Judges of election.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That any white free per-
son may become a member of this institution for the
purpose of making deposites and receiving the benefit
of such dividends of interest or profit, as may be made
and declared from time to time, but no member shall
be entitled to vote for the choice of any officer, or be
capable of being elected to any office in this institution
at the time of his being elected into office, who is not a
Membership defin-
practical and operating mechanic, their attendants,
butchers, horticulturist or carter, as the by-laws of
said institution shall provide, or under the provisions
of this act, and no person shall be considered a mem-
ber until he has signed the constitution, and when any
otherwise so marked, as to show that he has ceased to
be a member.
Practical mechanic.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the directors for
the time being, or a majority of them, shall have pow-
Appointment of
president and offi-