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and she is hereby divorced from her husband Samuel
Barron. a vinculo matrimonii.
Passed Mar. 5
An act to allow Ann Camden, to bring into this State
certain slaves.
Permission granted.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it may and shall he lawful for Ann Camden, of
Prince George's county, to bring into this State the
following slaves, to wit: Maria, aged eighteen years,
George aged fourteen years, Caroline aged twelve
years, Mary, aged eight years, and Thomas, aged two
years; Provided, the said Ann Camden shall, within
thirty days after she brings the said slaves into this
State, make oath before some justice of the peace, in
and for the county, into which she may introduce said
slaves, that they are slaves for life, and shall lodge
said affidavit, together with a list of the names and ages
of said slaves, with the clerk of said county, to be by
him recorded; and provided also, that the said Ann
Camden, shall also make oath before some justice of
the peace of said county, that the said slaves were for-
merly removed from this State, into that part of the
District of Columbia which was ceded by the State of
Maryland to the United States, and that they have
ever since resided there.
Passed Mar. 4,
An act for the relief Isaac Gibbons.
Compensation di-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the commissioners for Somerset county, be, and
they are hereby required to pay to Isaac Gibbons,
clerk of said commissioners, the sum of one hundred
dollars, as additional compensation for his services;
for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight.