said returning judges to have received the largest num-
ber of votes in the whole county at the said election,
shall be declared to be duly elected commissioners for
Somerset county; and the said commissioners, elected
as aforesaid, shall have, use and exercise all the pow-
ers and authority vested in the commissioners for
Somerset county, by the act of Assembly of December
session, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, chapter
eighty-seven, entitled, an act to abolish the levy court,
provide for the appointment of commissioners for Som-
erset county, and prescribing their duties, and shall
be subject to all the liabilities contemplated by the said
act, and shall in all respects comply with the requisi-
tions and conditions of the said act, except as herein
otherwise provided; and the said commissioners, at
their first meeting after their election and qualification,
shall be divided into three classes, consisting of two
in each class, the two persons elected commissioners
from the first commissioners' district shall constitute
the first class, and shall continue in office until the an-
nual election in October, in the year eighteen hundred
and forty-one, and until the election and qualification
of their successors, to be elected as hereinafter provid-
ed; the two persons elected commissioners from the
second commissioners' district, shall constitute the se-
cond class, and shall continue in office until the annu-
al election in October, eighteen hundred and forty, and
until the election and qualification of their successors;
and the two persons elected commissioners from the
third commissioners district shall constitute the third
class, and shall continue in office until the annual
election in October, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine,
and until the election and qualification of their suc-
CHAP 109.
Result declared.
Powers conferred
1837, chap. 37.
Commissioners to
be classified.
1st class till 1841.
2d class till 1840.
3d class till 1839.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That at the annual elec-
tion in October eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, two
commissioners possessing the qualifications required
in the first section of this act, and residents of the
third commissioners district, shall be elected by the
qualified voters of Somerset county, in the same man.
ner as the Delegates to the General Assembly are by
law directed to be elected, and shall be certified and
returned, and the certificates and return shall be re-
corded, as required in the first section of this act, to
Election of two
October, 1839.