made, shall be entitled to hold the said land free, clear, and discharged from all claims of any per-
son whatever, claiming or to claim the same, as heirs or devisees of the said Henry Willis.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the money received by the executors aforesaid, or which here-
after shall be received by them, on account of the sale of the land aforesaid, shall be deemed per-
sonal assets in every respect whatever, and to be by them accounted for in all respects as such, any
law, usage or custom whatever, to the contrary notwithstanding.
Money to be
deemed assets,
An ACT authorising repairs to the old or the erection of a new
gaol in Frederick-town, in Frederick county.
Passed 20th of
Dec. 1808.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the grand jury of Frederick county at
the February, and also at the August term, eighteen hundred and eight, that the public, gaol
of said county is inadequate to the safe-keeping of criminals, and for the comfort of persons com-
mitted for debt, and they have prayed the legislature to authorise the levy court of said county to
levy a sum of money to erect a new gaol, under such provisions as to them shall seem reasonable;
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the levy court of Frederick county
for the time being, shall be commissioners, and they, or a majority of them, are hereby authorised
and empowered to contract for materials, and to agree with workmen, to repair the old prison, by
adding such additional buildings and chambers, or by raising an additional story to the centre build-
ing, or in such other way as will effectually secure persons committed on suspicion of felony or other
crimes, and for the comfortable accommodation of those confined for debt.
Court appoint-
ed commission-
ers, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if upon examination of the walls and buildings of the present gaol,
it shall, in the judgment of the levy court, or a majority of them, appear inexpedient to repair the
said prison so as to answer the purposes aforesaid, then it shall be lawful, and they are hereby em-
powered, to contract for materials, and agree with workmen, to erect a new gaol, and adopt a plan
and superintend the erection of the same.
Who may con-
tract, &c.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in order to defray the expenses attending the repairs, or the
cretion of a new gaol, the said levy court shall employ the funds now under their control arising,
or which have arisen, from taxes, and the valuation of the public road from the Baltimore coun-
ty line to Frederick town, and in addition thereto, (if it shall be necessary, ) levy a sum not exceed-
ing one thousand dollars, on the assessable property in said county.
Employ the
funds, &c.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court shall have power to rent a suitable building for the
safe keeping of prisoners and debtors during the time the repairs are making, or the new gaol
Rent a build-
ing, &c.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said levy court shall, after the contract for repairs or the
erection of a new gaol is completed, publish for the information of the people of Frederick county,
in at least two news-papers in Frederick-town, a statement of their contract or contracts, with a bill
of expenses attending the same.
And publish,
A further supplement to the act, entitled, An act for regulating the
mode of staying executions, and repealing the acts of assembly
therein mentioned, and for other purposes.
Passed 20th of
Dec. 1808.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act,
and during the continuance of the act of congress, entitled, An act laying an embargo on all
ships and vessels in the ports and harbours of the United States, and of the several supplements there-
to, and within six months after the repeal of the said act, and of the several supplements thereto,
no execution against the body, goods or chattels, lands or tenements, of any person or persons with-
in this state, shall issue upon any judgment or decree already obtained, or hereafter to be obtained,
in any court of law or equity within this state, or before any justice of the peace of this state, pro-
vided the person or persons against whom any judgment or decree is or may be obtained, shall
During the em-
bargo no exe-
cution shall is-
sue, &c,
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