RESOLVED, That John C. Bond, having nearly paid the balance of principal and interest of six per cent, OR
the sum due from him to the state as sheriff, be and he is hereby released from the nine per cent, additional in-
terest, incurred by nonpayment of the principal and interest within the time limitted by law, upon his paying
the balance due by him, together with six per cent, interest, on or before the first day of January, eighteen
hundred and ten.
RESOLVED unanimously, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby directed to pay annu-
ally, in quarterly payments, unto William D. Beall, late a major in the Maryland line of the revolutionary
war, or to his order, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a major, as a further reward to those meritorious
services rendered his country in securing her liberty and independence.
RESOLVED, That the alteration proposed to the constitution of the United States by a resolution of the gene-
ral assembly of the state of Virginia, on the ninth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eight, so
as " to render the senators in the congress of the United States removable from office by the vote of a majority
of the whole number of the members of the respective state legislatures, by which the said senators have been,
or may be appointed, " be and the same is hereby disapproved by the legislature of this state, and that the sena-
tors and representatives in the congress of the United States from this state be and they are hereby requested
to oppose the said alteration; and the governor of this state is hereby requested to transmit to each of the sena-
tors and representatives in congress from this state a copy of this resolution, and to the executive of each state
a copy of the said resolution, that the same may be submitted to the consideration of the legislatures of the
several states, with a request to oppose the said alteration.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised and directed to pay unto
the commissioners appointed to superintend the erection of a Penitentiary, the sum of three thousand dollars
out of any unappropriated money in the treasury.
RESOLVED, That the executive be authorised and requested to purchase four hundred horseman's pistols, and
four hundred cavalry swords, for the use of the state, and subject to the future order of the executive.
RESOLVED, That the executive be authorised and requested to purchase, in case there should exist a necessi-
ty for the same, four thousand water-proof cartridge boxes, and four thousand knapsacks, and that the sums
necessary for the said resolutions be paid out of any unappropriated money in the treasury of the western shore,
by a draught thereon by the executive for the same.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay out of the monies accruing from fines and forfeitures
in the court of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery for Baltimore county, the sum of one hundred and
eighty-nine dollars to the said Samuel Fowler, the sum of one hundred and eighty-nine dollars to the said Isaiah
Green, and the sum of two hundred dollars to the said Catherine Working.
RESOLVED, That all proceedings be further stayed on a judgment obtained against John Smith Brookes, of
Prince-George's county, at the suit of the state, until the first day of December next, on his paying up all the
interest due thereon.
RESOLVED, That the executive of this state be and they are hereby required, to take all proper steps to
cause to be returned, all arms, the property of the state, that may be in possession of persons in the district of
Columbia, and that they make report of the same to the next legislature.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby authorised and required to pay the
sum of six hundred dollars, out of any unappropriated money in the treasury, in quarterly payments, unto John
Scott, as chief judge of the court of oyer and terminer and general gaol delivery for Baltimore county.
RESOLVED, That the number of four thousand stand of arms, and the horsemens swords and pistols, directed
to be purchased by this legislature, and subject to the order of the executive, when provided, shall be deposited
equally in the arsenals on the eastern and western shores of this state, and distributed by the executive among
the militia only when called into actual service; and if quota should be actually called for by the general
government, then such distribution shall be considered only by way of loan to the general government.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to the examiner-general of the western shore such
sum, in addition to his fees for the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, as shall amount to the sum of
three hundred pounds current money, and the examiner-general shall lay before the general assembly at their
next session the amount of fees by him received for the ensuing year, on oath.
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