interested as to the said road, to appear on a day by him to be appointed, on the land of the person
making application as aforesaid; and the said freeholders, having first made oath before some justice
of the peace, that they will, without favour, affection, prejudice or partiality, assess the damages
sustained by the person or persons at whose request such inquisition shall be taken, by reason of
opening the aforesaid road through his land, shall thereupon proceed to assess and value the damages
accordingly, of which the said commissioners shall have at least five days previous notice, and shall
return the damages, so assessed, to the said justice of the peace, and such inquisition and valuation
shall be final and conclusive; and the party or parties in whose favour the valuation ascertained by
the said commissioners, or the damages assessed by the said freeholders, shall be made, shall be enti-
tled to receive the same from the said commissioners, and the said commissioners shall pay, or secure
to he paid, the amount of the said valuation or damages to the respective parties entitled to the same,
before they shall proceed to affect the lands of the person or persons concerned; provided, that the
said road shall not go through any houses, meadows, gardens or orchards, unless with the consent
of the owner thereof.
A Further supplement to an act, entitled, An act for regulating the
mode of staying executions, and repealing the ads of assembly
therein mentioned.
Passed 25th of
Dec. 1808.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That any confession of judgment entered in-
to in the manner prescribed by the act to which this is a further supplement, and the supple-
ments thereto, before one justice of the peace, on a judgment rendered by a justice of the peace, shall
be of the same effect and operation as if the same was confessed before two justices of the peace.
Certain judges
ments to have
effect, &c.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the provisions of the further supplement, passed at this session,
to the original act to which this is a supplement, shall not extend to judgments rendered, or to be
rendered, against any person or persons for money or tobacco actually had and received for the use
of the plaintiff or plaintiffs.
Provisions not
to extend, &c.
A Further supplement to the act, entitled, An act to regulate and
discipline the militia of this state.
Passed 25th of
Dec. 1808.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the governor and council be and they
are hereby authorised and empowered to appoint and commission one major to each battalion
of cavalry, to consist of five troops, and one lieutenant-colonel to each regiment of cavalry, to con-
sist or ten troops.
Governor, &c.
to appoint one
major, &c.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to extend Centre-street, in
the northern precincts of the city of Baltimore, and to build a
bridge therein across Jones Falls.
Passed 25th of
Dec. 1808.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the levy court for Baltimore county,
at their next annually levy court, be and they are hereby authorised and directed to levy and
assess, upon the assessable property of said county, the sum of one thousand dollars, to be collected
in two equal annual instalments of five hundred dollars each; which said sums of money, when col-
lected, shall be paid over and applied towards the erection of a bridge over Jones Falls, pursuant to
and in the manner prescribed by the act to which this is a supplement; provided, that the said bridge
shall be erected over Jones Falls in such manner as will most conveniently and directly lead from
Centre-street into High-street.
Court to levy
money, &c.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to authorise William Handy
and James Ritchie to sell and dispose of the real estate of Isaac
Handy, late of Somerset county, deceased.
Passed 25th of
Dec. 1808.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the orphans court of Somerset county
be and the same is hereby authorised and empowered, on the application of the parlies interest-
Trustees to be
appointed, &c.
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