the seal of office of the register of wills of Worcester county, shall be received as evidence in any
court of law or equity in this state.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That upon the said register's delivery of the said will to the afore-
said William Delastatius, he shall pay unto the register, for taking and recording the said bond, the
same fees as are chargeable by law for taking and recording testamentary and administration bonds.
Fees to be
paid, &c.
An ACT to authorise certain commissioners to lay off a town in
Montgomery county, by the name of Brookeville.
Passed 24th of
Dec 1808.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Thomas Moore, Thomas Davis, Ber-
nard Gilpin, Roger Brooke and Basil Brooke, or any three of them, be and are hereby appoint-
ed commissioners, to survey and lay out into lots, all that parcel of land lying in Montgomery county,
heretofore surveyed by Richard Thomas, and the same, when surveyed, to lay out into lots, streets,
lanes and alleys; and the said commissioners, or a majority of them, are hereby required, within
the space of twelve months after completing the said survey, and locating the same into lots, streets,
lanes and alleys, as aforesaid, under the penalty of thirty dollars on each of the said commissioners
for neglecting this duty, to make, or cause to be made, a correct certificate and plot of the said sur-
vey, and of the respective lots, streets, lanes and alleys, located thereon, describing and arranging
the said lots in numerical order, and the said streets, lanes and alleys, by their respective names,
and certifying the metes and bounds of each of the said lots, streets, lanes and alleys respectively,
and to return the same into the office of the clerk of the said county, ico be by him recorded among
the land records of the said county, at the proper cost of the said Richard Thomas, and to be se-
curely kept therein; and the said certificate and plot, or any official copy thereof, or of any part
thereof, shall at all times hereafter be sufficient evidence of the said lots, streets, lanes and alleys,
and of the respective metes and bounds thereof.
appointed, &c.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners, or a major part of them, shall cause all
the lots in the said town to be substantially and fairly bounded and numbered, and from time to time
hereafter see that the said boundaries be kept up and preserved, and each of the said commissioners
shall be allowed the sum of two dollars for each and every day he shall be, employed, to be paid by
the said Richard Thomas.
Lots to be
bounded, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That on the death, removal, resignation, or refusal to act, of any of
the said commissioners, the major part of the remaining commissioners shall appoint another to serve
in the stead of such commissioner so dying, removing, resigning, or refusing to act.
How vacancies
are to be filled;
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the parcel of ground so as aforesaid laid out by the said Richard
Thomas, and any ground which the said commissioners shall annex, when surveyed by the said com-
missioners, shall be for ever hereafter called and known by the name of Brookeville, saving never-
theless to all persons not mentioned in this act their several and respective rights.
Ground to be
called Brooke-
ville, &c.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all deeds heretofore executed by the said Richard Thomas for the
said land or parcel of ground, or any portion or portions thereof, under the name and description
of lots in the town of Brookeville, or under any general description intended to convey property
therein, shall be deemed and taken to be as good and valid as if the, same had been accurately and
legally described.
Deeds deemed
good, &c.
An ACT for the more effectual preservation of the breed of wild
deer in Dorchester county.
Passed 24th of
Dec. 1808.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall not be lawful for any person or
persons whatsoever, from and after the end of this session of assembly, during the term of three
years, to kill, or otherwise to destroy, any deer in Dorchester county, under the penalty of thirty
dollars current money for every deer so killed or destroyed, to be recovered in the county court of
the county aforesaid, by indictment, one half of which sum shall be applied to the use of the county,
and the other half shall be received by the person who shall give information, thereof.
Deer not to be
killed, &c.