Nine female
characters to be
annually ap-
pointed, &c.
III. AND BE IT EXACTED, That for the orderly management of said school there shall be annually
appointed nine discreet female characters, in the following manner, to wit: The contributors and
subscribers to the said charity school shall assemble at the school-house belonging to said society, or
at such other place as shall be duly ratified by the trustees, on the second Tuesday of April in each
and every year, to come between the hours of ten o'clock in the morning and six o'clock in the even-
ing, and they, or so many of them as shall be then and there present, shall proceed to ballot for
nine discreet female characters, to serve as directors for the ensuing year; the nine persons, having
the greatest number of votes to be considered as duly elected; in case of an equality of votes, the
persons having such equality, and no others, to be ballotted for again until a majority be obtained;
the said election to be held before a committee of trustees by that board appointed one month at
least before the election; the election to be closed on the day it is held; no contributors or subscri-
bers to vote unless he or she shall have paid five dollars at the least to the aforesaid charity school
within one year next immediately preceding the day of election; nor shall any. person be entitled to.
more than one vote; all vacancies at the board of directors after the election to be filled up by them-
selves; the said female directors shall have the sole superintendence, care and direction, of the said
school, and may pass any ordinances for the orderly management and good government thereof, the
same not being inconsistent with this law, the laws of this state or of the United States; provided
always, that a majority of said directors, shall be necessary in all. cases to form a quorum for the
transaction of business.
How vacancies
are to be filled.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all vacancies hereafter, occurring at the board of trustees, shall,
as soon as convenient, be made known to the female directors, who shall forthwith proceed to fill up
the same.
Children to be
subject to the
regulations, &c.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when any parent or guardians, or any orphans court, shall have
placed any female child or children in the before-mentioned school, they shall be subject to the same
regulations that, apprentices are by the laws of this state, until it shall be thought proper by the
female directors of said school to bind out such female child or children, which the said directors are
hereby directed to do, for the term and in the manner that other female shall or may be bound 5;
provided, that nothing herein be considered as abridging the security afforded to such person by the
law. concerning apprentices.
Trustees may
sue, &c.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the aforesaid trustees, and their successors in office, duly elect-
ed, by the name aforesaid, shall be able and capable in law to sue and be sued, plead and be implead-
ed, answer and be answered, defend and be defended, in all or any court of justice whatever, and
also to make, have and use, a common seal, and the same to break, alter and renew, at pleasure;
and also that the female directors, now in office, under and by virtue of the act of assembly, passed
at November session, eighteen hundred and one, entitled, An act incorporating a society for the
maintenance and education of poor female children, by the name of The Female Humane Associa-
tion Charity School, shall be and the same are continued in office until the second Tuesday in April
An act repeal-
ed, &c.
VII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said act of assembly, entitled, An act incorporating a society
for the maintenance and education of poor female children, by the name of The Female Humane
Association Charity School, shall be and the same is hereby repealed; provided always, that all acts
done under the said law consistent with the same, be and the same are hereby confirmed and made
valid in law.
Act to be good
and available,
VIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this act of incorporation, and every part thereof, shall be good
and available in law, in all things, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, and shall be
construed, reputed and adjudged, in all cases, most favourably on behalf of said institution, so as
most effectually to answer the valuable ends intended thereby.
Married wo-
men may vote,
IX. AND, whereas married women and femes-covert seem to have been the original founders of this
benevolent society, so honourable to themselves and to the community at large, and doubts may arise
whether, in point of law, women, so situated, can exercise the right of voting without special pro-
vision to that effect, BE IT ENACTED, That where any married woman or feme-covert shall be a con-
tributor to the said society or association, and shall have paid five dollars at least to the aforesaid,
charity within one year next immediately preceding the day of any election, the said contributor
shall have and enjoy the right of voting at said election, in as full and ample a manner as if she were,
a feme-sole.