more of the members thereof, or by the wilful neglect of any one or more of them refusing to attend
two succeeding stated meetings of the board of trustees, the surviving or remaining trustees, or a
majority of them, shall cause the said death, refusal, resignation or absence, to be noted on the
journals, and with all convenient speed inform the justices of the orphans court of said county of
the said vacancies, and the orphans court shall proceed to elect some other sensible and discreet per-
son or persons to be trustee or trustees to supply the vacancy or vacancies occasioned by the respec-
tive causes aforesaid, and in such manner shall all vacancies be filled hereafter.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the Said trustees, or any three of them, shall, and they are here-
by authorised and empowered, to appoint a fit and proper person as treasurer of the said community,
and to allow him a reasonable compensation for his trouble as such; and the said treasurer, and every
other treasurer hereafter to be appointed, shall, before he enters on the duties of his appointment,
enter into bond to the said community in such sum as the said trustees shall approve of, with good
and sufficient securities, conditioned as follows: " The condition of the above obligation is such,
" that if the above bound A. B, shall well and duly perform the duty of a treasurer to the M'Do-
" nough charity schools, and especially pay over and account to and with the trustees thereof for all
" and every sum or sums of money him received to and for the use of the said M'Donough chari-
" ty schools, whenever thereunto lawfully required, then this obligation to be void, else to remain
" in full force and virtue in law. "
Trustees may
appoint a trea-
surer, &c.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said trustees, or any three of them, shall be and they are
hereby directed and empowered to remove any treasurer or other person to be by them appointed
in pursuance of this act, at their discretion, and others in their stead to appoint.
Who may be
removed, &c.
VII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said trustees, after making the sale as aforesaid, in the
manner aforesaid, shall report the same to the judge of the orphans court of said county, who shall
thereupon determine how many schools shall be established in the district of country herein after
described, and where, and at what places.
Trustees to re-
port, &c.
VIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when the places are fixed and determined on by the said orphans
court, the said trustees, or any three of them, shall prepare schoolhouses sufficiently large at the
place or places so fixed on.
Prepare school-
houses, &c.
IX. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said trustees, or any three of them, shall, from time to
time, ascertain and fix the price of tuition in the said schools; provided, that the children of those
who shall be deemed by them unable to pay, shall be received and taught without any charge whatso-
ever, and provided they reside within the district of country herein after mentioned, to wit: Begin-
ning at the lower end of Cedar Point, along by Port-Tobacco church, up to the place where Charles
Combs now lives, thence to the public fording place of Mattawoman, on the public road from Port-
Tobacco to Piscataway, thence by Richard Barne's old mill, and thence to the lower end of Cedar
Ascertain the
price of tuition,
X, AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said trustees, and their successors, by the name and style
aforesaid, shall be capable in law to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court or courts,
before any judge, justice or justices, within this state and elsewhere, in all and all manner of
suits, complaints, pleas, causes, matters and demands, of whatsoever kind, nature or form they be,
and all and every other matter or thing to do therein, in as full and effectual manner as any other
person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, within this state, or any other of the United States,
in like cases may or can do or perform; and the said trustees, and their successors, or a majority of
them, shall have full power and authority to have, make and use, one common seal, with such de-
vices and inscriptions as they shall think proper, and therewith to pass and authenticate the certifi-
cates, acts and orders, of the said corporation, and the same seal at their pleasure to break, alter
and renew.
Sue and be
sued, &c.
XL AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said trustees, and their successors, or a majority of them,
from time to time, and at all times hereafter, shall have full power and authority to constitute and
appoint, in such manner as they shall think best and most convenient, professors, teachers and assist-
ants, for instructing the students and scholars of the said M'Donough charity schools in the English
language, and such sciences and branches of education as they shall think proper and suitable to be
taught therein, and to make fundamental ordinances and regulations for the good government of the
said schools, and the. instruction of the youth as aforesaid, and by these ordinances to appoint such
Appoint pro-
fessors, &c.