ty-four privates, four sergeants, four corporals, one drummer and one fifer or bugler; therefore,
BE IT ENACTED, That the said enrolment and arrangement shall be and the same is hereby confirmed,
except in cases where the same may be altered and changed in manner following, viz. where a major-
general shall call a meeting of the brigadiers of his division, at some central place thereof, and con-
venient time, to be by him appointed, who shall revise the arrangement and bounds of the several
brigades within his district, and make any alterations of the same that may appear to them necessary,
and in case of such alteration being made, the major-general shall return the same to the adjutant-
general's office; and where the said several brigadiers shall call together the lieutenant-colonels and
majors of their several brigades, at some convenient place and time, to be by them appointed, and
then and there determine on any alterations that may be deemed necessary in the arrangement and
bounds of their several regiments and extra battalions, and the said brigadiers shall, as soon there
after as may be, make return of such alterations to the adjutant-general's office, to be therein record-
ed; and the said several commanding officers of regiments and extra battalions shall, from time to
time, as the case may be necessary, convene the majors and commanding officers of companies in
their respective regiments or extra battalions, at some convenient place and time, to be by them ap-
pointed, and then and there determine on any alterations that may be deemed necessary in the ar-
rangement and bounds of their several battalions and companies, and a return, in writing, of such
alterations shall be made by the commanding officer of the regiment or extra battalions, to the in-
spector of their brigade.
Former enrol-
ment confirm-
ed, &c.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That each commissioned officer appointed by the governor and coun-
cil, and accepting or having accepted such appointment, who shall not, on or before the first day of
September next, arm, accoutre and provide himself, as is directed by the act of congress of the
United States, entitled, An act more effectually to provide for the national defence, by establishing
an uniform militia throughout the United States, shall be fined, at the discretion of a court-martial,
n sum not exceeding twenty dollars, nor less than five dollars, for such neglect, and a further sum
not exceeding twenty dollars, nor less than five dollars, for every year he shall continue such neglect;
and each noncommissioned officer and private enrolled, notified thereof, and liable to militia duty as
aforesaid, shall within twelve months thereafter, arm himself with a good serviceable firelock, under
a penalty of a sum not exceeding five dollars, nor less than one dollar, at the discretion of a company
court-martial, and of a further sum of three dollars for every year he shall continue such neglect to
arm himself as aforesaid, except such noncommissioned officer and private as shall be adjudged, by
a company court, to be too indigent to bear the expense of purchasing such arms; and that out of
the militia enrolled as is herein directed, there shall be formed for each battalion at least one compa-
ny of grenadiers, light infantry or riflemen, and that to each brigade there shall be at least one com-
pany of artillery, each of the noncommissioned officers and privates or matrosses of which shall,
within twelve months after their enrolment in such company, provide himself with a sword or han-
ger, under the penalty of a sum not exceeding ten dollars, nor less than two dollars, at the discre-
tion of a company court-martial, and a further sum not exceeding ten dollars, nor less than two
dollars, for every twelve months that he shall remain unprovided as aforesaid; and that to each
brigade there shall be attached at least two troops of horse, each of the dragoons whereof shall,
within twelve months after his being enrolled therein, arm and equip himself in the manner prescribed
by the said act of congress, under the penalty of a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, nor less than
five dollars, at the discretion of a company court-martial, and a further sum, not exceeding twenty
dollars, nor less than five dollars, for every twelve months that he shall delay his armament and
equipment as aforesaid; and every citizen so enrolled, armed and equipped, as aforesaid, shall hold
his arms, ammunition and accoutrements, free and exempt from all suits, distresses, executions or
sales, for debt, rent, or the payment of any taxes.
Penalty on offi-
cers for not
arming them-
selves, &c.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the duty of the captains or commanding officers of
each company, to report lo the commanding officer of each regiment, or extra battalion, the number
of persons in their respective companies who are adjudged by a court-martial unable to arm them-
selves agreeably to the provisions of this act, and the commanding officers of regiments and extra
battalions of the several brigades, to make return of the same to the brigadiers or commanding
officers of the brigades, to be transmitted by them to the commander in chief.
Captains, &c.
to report, &c.
The following articles, rules and regulations, shall be those by which the militia of this state shall
be governed.
Article 1st. If any field or other commissioned officer, at any regimental, battalion or company
meeting, or any other occasion when the regiment, battalion or company, to which he may belong,
or in which he holds a command, is paraded, shall misbehave, demean himself, or appear, in an un-
officer-like manner, he shall, for such offence, be cashiered, or punished by fine, at the discretion of
Articles for the
government of
the militia, &c.