amount of the said valuation or damages to the respective parties entitled to the same, before they
shall proceed to affect the lands of the person or persons concerned.
An ACT authorising the justices of the levy court for Baltimore
county to lease and exchange the property therein mentioned.
Passed 20th of
January, 1808.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that by the extension of Howard-street
through the ground appropriated to the use of the alms-house of Baltimore county, a part of
said ground lying on the east side of said street, in a triangular figure, is cut off and separated
from the residue of said ground in such manner as to render it of little or no advantage to the said
alms-house: And whereas it is further represented, that the said justices of the levy court could,
if authorised by law so to do, exchange a part of said triangular piece of ground, so as to render
the same of a more advantageous figure, and could also lease the same on terms which would yield a
handsome revenue to Baltimore county, and highly promote its interests; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of the levy court for
Baltimore county be and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to exchange any part of the
said triangular piece of ground with any person or persons owning land adjoining the same, in such
manner and on such terms as they may deem most promotive of the interests of Baltimore county,
and the said piece of ground, either before or after said exchange, to cause to be laid off in lots of
such dimensions as they may deem adviseable, and every third lot thereof to lease and demise, upon
the usual terms and conditions, to any person or persons whatsoever, for ninety-nine years, renew-
able for ever, and to make, execute and acknowledge, all deeds necessary for the leasing and de-
mising of the said every third lot of the said piece of ground, reserving and making payable all rents
issuing therefrom to the justices of the levy court for Baltimore county, and their successors, for
Justices may
ground, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said justices of the levy court for Baltimore county be and
they are hereby authorised and empowered, to cause lots, fronting on the west side of said Howard-
street extended, of convenient dimensions, to he laid off from the residue of said ground appropri-
ated to the use of the said alms-house, and every third lot thereof to lease and demise, in the same
manner, and upon the same terms and conditions, that they are authorised to lease and demise the
lots described in the aforegoing section of this act.
And cause lots
to be laid off,
A Supplement to an act authorising the collection of certain ground-
rents due on lots in the town of Cumberland.
Passed 20th of
January, 1808.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Thomas Beall, of Samuel, shall be and
he is hereby authorised to sell and convey any lot or lots heretofore sold by him, and now held
by bond of conveyance or otherwise, at the same time, and at the same place, he shall sell the lots
where conveyances have been made by him, and which he is authorised to do under the original act
to which this is a supplement, and which said sale and conveyance shall be as good and valid as if
the power now given to sell the lots not conveyed had been conferred by the original law.
T. Beall may
sell certain lots,
An ACT for the benefit of James Griffin, off Saint-Mary's county.
WHEREAS James Griffin, a native of Ireland, and now a resident of Saint-Mary's county,
emigrated to, and settled in, this state, some years past, with a bona fide intention of residing
therein, and has declared his intention in Saint-Mary's county court to become naturalized agreeably
to the laws of the United States, and has since bargained and contracted for considerable real pro-
perty; therefore,
Passed 20th of
January, 1808.
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all gifts, grants, conveyances and
devises, of real estates, shall be made or executed to the said James Griffin, shall have the same
effect, operation and validity, as if the said James Griffin had been naturalized at the time the
same shall be made, executed or entered into; provided always, that nothing in this act contained
shall be construed in any manner to defeat or affect any right, title or claim, to such property, or
any part thereof, acquired by any person or persons before the passage of this act; and provided also,
Gifts, &c. to
have effect, &c.