Sarah Winchester, the said trustees, or the survivor of them, shall also account with, and pay to,
the said Samuel and Anne Winchester, the remaining third part of the said proceeds of the said real
estate appropriated and allotted to the said Sarah, the widow, during her natural life as aforesaid.
Proceeds to re-
vert, &c.
VII AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the proceeds of the said real estate shall revert and
descend among the legal representatives of the said Samuel and Anne Winchester in case of their
deaths, or the death of either of them, before their arrival at the age of twenty-one years, in the
same manner as the said real estate would have reverted and descended provided this act of assembly
had not passed for the sale thereof.
How a vacancy
is to be filled.
VIII AND BE IT ENACTED, That in case of the death of the said trustees, or either of them,
before the final completion of their trust, the orphans court of Baltimore county shall have full
power and authority to nominate and appoint one or more trustee or trustees, who are hereby in-
vested with the full power to carry into effect the objects and provisoes herein contained, on giving
such security for the faithful performance of their trust as is herein before directed to be given by
the trustees aforesaid.
Passed 18th of
January, 1808.
A Supplement to an act to establish a bank, and incorporate a com-
pany, under the name of The Farmers Bank of Maryland, and
for other purposes.
WHEREAS a memorial has been presented to the legislature by a number of stockholders of
the Farmers Bank of Maryland, and other citizens, residing in Frederick county, praying
the establishment of a branch of the said bank at Frederick-town, in said county; and the president
and directors of the said bank having also, by their memorial, signified their assent thereto, and
joined in the said prayer: And whereas it is the opinion of the general assembly, that it may greatly
tend to the advancement of the agricultural, mechanical and commercial interest of this state, that
the president, directors and company, of the Farmers Bank of Maryland, should have power to
establish a branch of the said bank in the manner proposed by the said memorials; therefore,
A branch esta-
blished, &c.
II BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That a branch of the Farmers Bank of
Maryland shall be and hereby is established at Frederick-town, in Frederick county, under the name
of The Fredericktown Branch Bank, to be governed by the rules and regulations provided by the
law to which this is a supplement, except as shall be hereby otherwise provided and directed.
Amount of ca-
pital, &c.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the capital of the branch of the Farmers Bank of Maryland, at
Frederick-town, shall be one hundred thousand dollars; said capital to be furnished by the farmers
Bunk of Maryland.
Which may be
augmented, &c.
IV AND BE IT ENACTED, That should the abovesaid capital be found insufficient for the Frede-
rick-town Branch Bank, the Farmers Bank may make convenient augmentations from the capital of
the mother bank.
Board, of
whom to be
composed, &c.
V AND BE IT ENACTED, That a president and eight directors shall compose the board of the
said branch, but the president and four directors shall be competent to the transaction of business.
Nine directors
to be elected,
VI AND BE IT ENACTED That in order to carry into operation the said institution, the stock-
holders on the western shore of Maryland shall, on the first Monday in March next, elect from
among the stockholders in Frederick county, nine directors, to govern the said branch; and the di-
rectors so chosen, after qualifying agreeably to the twenty-fifth section of the charter of the Farmers
Bank of Maryland, shall elect one of their number president, a certificate of which qualification and
election shall be transmitted to the president of the mother bank, and that the president and direc-
tors, so as aforesaid appointed, shall serve until the next annual election of directors; and to the
end that the stockholders may have notice of the aforesaid election of directors, the president and
directors of the mother bank are hereby authorised and directed to give three weeks notice in some
Baltimore, Annapolis, Frederick-town, Washington and Allegany county news-papers, of the said
election, and that the said president and directors shall continue in office until a new president and
directors shall be appointed and qualified.
Officers to be
VII AND BE IT ENACTED, That the number and description of officers, in addition to the presi-
dent, be from time to time established by the Farmers Bank, but that the said officers be appointed