SPEAKER OF H, D.—See President of the Senate,
&c. Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Co.; Balt.
and Susquehanna R. R: Co.
SPENCER, JOHN B.—Treasurer to pay $25,50, for
publishing laws of 1842.
STABLER, EDWARD—Treasurer to pay him $152 for
furnishing, sealto western shore land office,
under authority of Chancellor.
STEWART, ELIZABETH—Treasurer to pay to, dur-
ing life, in quarter yearly payments, half
pay of a captain, for services rendered by
her husband during revolutionary war.
STOCK HELD BY U. S. in Chesapeake and Ohio Ca-
nal Company—See Chesapeake and Ohio
Canal Company.
STONE, WM. B.—Treasurer to pay him $50, for pro-
fessional services in case of state vs. Win.
Reeder & others.
SULLIVAN, JOHN & SON, & Birckhead & Pearce.
Treasurer to pay to Sullivan & Son $294,-
29, and Birckhead and Perrce $49,81, for
expenses for storage of tobacco.
SUSQUEHHNNA RIVER—Our senators and represen-
tatives in congress requested to use their ex-
ertions to obtain a law making appropriation
to remove certain bars at the mouth of.
Governor to forward copy of resolution.
TAX—See Collectors of Direct Tax; Coupons, &c.
TOY, JOHN D.—Treasurer to pay $237,07, for printing
report on manufacture of iron, ordered to be
printed by senate, December session 1842.
TREASURER—Authorized to pay the members and offi-
cers of the general assembly, any sum of
money due, upon certificate from chairman
of committee of claims.
elect to give bond before proceeding
to act, in the sum of $200,000, in manner
prescribed by act of Nov. session 1801, ch.
—— to pay Joshua Smith, administrator
of Wm. Willis, $22, amount paid by him
for marriage licenses defaced in clerks office,
Carroll connty.