in congress to use their exertions to obtain
an appropriation for removing certain bars
at mouth of Susquehanna river.
—— to pay to Harrison B. Pigman, as
deputy Attorney General, a reasonable com-
pensation for services on trial of a cause in
court of Appeals for State.
------to pay to Thos. J.& Wm. McKaig
reasonable compensation for piofessional ser-
vices rendered the state in prosecuting the
rioters in 1839.
To forward copy of resolution to
our senators and representatives in congress
in relation to runaway slaves.
------to transmit to our representatives in
congress copy of resolution in relation to
transfer of stock held by United States on
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company.
—— to draft on treasurer for amount of
repairs for furnace under library.
------to pay such sums of money as may
be necessary to carry into effect resolution
No. 11, of Dec. session 1841, to defray ex-
penses in the exchange of surplus books,
documents, &c. with agents of Foreign
countries as may be authorized by joint com-
mittee on library.
— to settle with printer of house of
delegates for such reports, &c. as may have
been ordered to be printed and not yet re-
ceived, and printer to forward the same by
mail, with balance of journal of proceed-
ings postage to be paid by treasurer.
------cause to be transmitted copy of
resolution in relation to slavery to our sena-
tors and repsesentatives in congress and the
Governors of the states.
— to issue commission to the Hon.
James Alfred Pearce, as Senator to Con-
gress of the United States for six years
from 4th March, 1843.
GREEN, ANN & MARIA BOHRER, Children of Mrs.
Rebecca Forrest—Treasurer to pay to the
order of, balance due Mrs. Forrest at the time
of death, on pension list of the state.