the printer of this House, for such reports &c, as have
been ordered to be printed by the House and not yet re-
ceived, and that the printer be directed to forward the same
by mail, together with the balance of the journal of pro-
ceedings, to the members of the legislature, the postage
of the same to be paid by the Treasurer of the State.
Passed March
9, 1644.
No. 56.
Resolution in favor of John B. Brooke, clerk of Prince
George's county court.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of this State, pay to John B. Brooke, Esq.,
clerk of Prince Georges County Court, or to his order,
forty-six dollars and eighty-five cents, being the amount
of his claim against the State, for fees for the year eigh-
teen hundred and forty-three.
No. 57.
Passed March
9, 1844.
Resolution in relation to slavery.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the establishment of the Federal Constitution, -was the
result of the compact between the States, that in the
formation of this compact devirsified and apparent con-
flicting interests were involved, that the parties to the said
compact after long but patriotic deliberation, endeavored
to harmonize these various interests, that amongst other
difficult questions adjusted, not one was attended with
more embarrassment in its satisfactory settlement than the
question arising from the peculiar institutions of the South-
ern States, in relation to slavery, that after patient and
patriotic examination, this question was happily compro-
mised upon a fair and equitable basis, that this adjust-
ment of a distracting question, upon high and solemn
considerations by the patriots of the revolution, ought not
to be disturbed, but held inviolably sacred and forever
settled, that its renewal can lead to no beneficial results,