the mayor and city council of Baltimore, in laying and im-
posing the tax, under the provisions of the said original
act and its supplements, for the year eighteen hundred and
forty-four, and for all future years, to be governed by
the assessment and valuation made by the assessors under
the original act, as such assessment and valuation may
have been corrected and adjusted, agreeably to the provi-
sions of the twenty-fourth, thirty-fourth, thirty-eighth and.
thirty-ninth sections of said original act, and according to
the tiue intent and meaning thereof, as herein and hereby
chap. 365.
An act to incorporate the United States Iron Steam Boat
Canal Transportation Company.
Passed March
9, 1844.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Enor Wilder, Benjamin G. Wilder, Wil-
liam M. Mitchell and Daniel Fitzgerald, their associates,
successors and assigns, be and they are hereby created a
corporation and body politic by the name of the United
States Iron Steam Boat Canal Transportation Company,
and by that name shall have succession, and shall be cap-
abls in law to sue and be sued, in any court of law of
equity in this State, to make, have and use a common seal
and the same to break, alter or renew at pleasure, and to
have and exercise all such other rights, powers, facilities
and privileges whatsoerer, which shall or may be proper or
necessary, for the purpose of conducting a line or lines of
packets or vessels, for the conveyance of passengers and
transportation of merchandize and other things on the
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal and on other waters in the
State of Maryland; provided, the assent of the Chesa-
peake and Ohio Canal Company be first obtained thereto,
and to such extent and under such restrictions, and upon
such terms and conditions as may be imposed by said com-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the capitol stock of said
corporation shall be three hundred thousand dollars, to be
divided into three thousand shares of one hundred dollars
each, of which the sum of ten dollars on each share shall
be paid at the time of subscribing for the same, and the
residue at such time and in such instalments as the presi-
Capital stork
of said com-
pany to be