INDEX. 1842
Chap. Sect
the act of 1835, ch. 201, as directs that if
the monies received by the chief justice of
District Court be sufficient to pay the per
diem allowed to the district justices the le-
vy court &c. to pay such sums as shall mate
up the full amount &c. repealed, so far as
relates to,
Additional court instituted in Havre-de-
Grace with all the powers, &c. within the
limits of said town as other district courts,
&c. Governor to appoint three justices, &c. 2
In all cases of attachment, replevin tro-
ver, &c jurisdiction of said court not ex-
clusive, but concurrent with city court, right
of appealing from decision of a justice of the
peace to said court, repealed, 3
Clerk of the court of, may place his fees
in the hands of the sheriff at any time be-
tween 1st January and 1 st April in each
year, to be accounted for on or before 20th
November &c.
Additional poll to be held in second dis-
trict at Havre-de-Grace, &c.
Commissioners to appoint judges, &c.
orphans court of to pay to E. Healy, wi-
dow of James Healy, such amount as he was
entitled to receive as his proportion of school
fund for educating poor children, widow to
pay over to the heirs of, &c.
Act relating to school fund of, &c.
Trustees of the poor of, or super-
visor under their direction to keep an ac-
count of sales made, and an account of all
articles purchased, &c. to be verified and
returned to commissioners of, &c. copy of
such accounts to be set up at the place of
holding elections, &c.
Trustees to cause list of paupers to be
Omission to discharge the duties, &c. to
be deemed a misdemeanor, &c. " 3
HANCE WM —May place his fees for 1842 in the hands
of the sheriffs of the counties at any time
before the 1st of May 1843, sheriffs not to
be liable for said fees before 10th December
then next ensuing. 62