who have been licensed according to the provisions of that
act, and the names of such person or persons who are tra-
ding as aforesaid, without such license made out. and laid be-
fore the grand jury aforesaid, at each session of said court,
and it shall be the duty of said grand jury to present all
such person or persons as aforesaid who have failed to li-
cense as aforesaid.
CHAP. 250.
An act to incorporate the Port Deposit Academy in Cecil
Passed March
8. 1843.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Cornelius Smith, Elijah Reynolds, David Gil-
more, John Vanemar, B. Yarnell, Joseph W. Abrahams and
John Archer, of Cecil county, the present trustees of said
academy and their successors, be and they are hereby
created a corporation and body politic, by the name and
style of the Port Deposit Academy, and by that name shall
have succession and be able and capable in law to sue and
be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be answer-
ed, in any court of law or equity, to purchase, receive and
hold estate in fee simple, less estate, also personal property
not exceeding in all live thousand dollars clear value, and
the same to convey and dispose of, as to them or a majority
of them, may seem most conducive to the interest of said
academy, to make and use a common seal, and the same to
change and alter at pleasure, and to ordain and establish
such bye-laws and regulations not contrary to law, as shall
be necessary or convenient for the management of said cor-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That at all times hereafter
when any vacancy or vacancies shall happen in the said
community of trustees, by death, resignation, removal to a
greater distance than ten miles from the academy, or refu-
sal or wilful neglect, of any one or more to act or to at-
tend the meeting of the board for the space of one year,
the remaining trustees or a majority of them, shall as early
as convenient, proceed to elect by ballot, other capable
person or persons to supply such vacancy or vacancies, and
in like manner shall all future vacancies be supplied by said
trustees and their successors or a majority of them, so as
to perpetuate the number of seven persons as trustees of
Trustees to
elect, &c.
the said academy forever; provided, no person shall be
elected or continue to be a trustee who may reside at the
time more than ten miles from said academy.