CHAP. 230.
An act relating to the School Fund of Harford County.
Passed March
6, 1843.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by Hie General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Orphan's Court of Harford county
shall have full power to examine the accounts of any teach-
er presented for payment out of the School Fund, and if any
fraud is practised to reject such account.
Court to exam-
ine accounts.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Court shall not
pay out of the school fund for the education or teaching of
any apprentice or child living with any one in the character
of apprentice, whether said apprentice be bound by inden-
tures or not; preceded the master or mistress of such ap-
prentice owns assessable property to the amount of five
hundred dollars.
Court not to
pay for edu-
cation of ap-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Court shall not
pay for teaching the children of the following persons, to
wit; first, the children of fathers who are assessed on the
books of the county commissioners, with property to the
value of five hundred dollars; secondly, the children who
have no fathers residing in the county but whose mothers
are assessed as aforesaid to the value of fifteen hundred
Persona not to
be paid for.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the school commission-
ers, shall not certify that any account made out under the
former laws on this subject is correct, unless such commis-
sioner knows of his own knowledge that the children na-
med in such account are children for whose teaching the
school-master or teacher ought to be paid out of the school
fund, such commissioner shall so certify on such account.
ers not to cer-
tify but upon
his own know-
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the Orphan's Court are
authorized to recover all accounts and certificates to pre-
vent frauds, and to see that the funds are properly applied
according to the charitable and humane designs of the law.
Court to see
fund properly
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That no school commis-
sioner shall be considered elected unless he receives a ma-
jority of all the votes cast in his election district; and in
case of failure to elect, or if there occur vacancies from any
cause, then the Orphan's Court shall appoint suitable per-
sons to fill such vacancies, and no commissioner appointed
by the Orphan's Court shall be entitled to any compensa-
tion for his services.
er to receive
majority of
votes cut