CHAP. 164.
moned unless
deemed ne-
hundred and forty-one, chapter two-hundred and seventy-
two, be and the same is hereby so modified that it shall
not be obligatory on the grand juries of the several counties
of this state, to summon the postmasters and their deputies,
before them unless they in their judgment shall deem it ne-
cessary, and then only to summons such postmasters and
deputies as they may deem proper.
Justice to is-
sue warrant to
constable, &c.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That if any person shall
have good reason to believe that any free negro or mulatto,
is concerned or engaged in concealing, or circulating aboli-
tion papers, or furnishing free papers to slaves, or papers
purporting to be such, and make oath to that effect before
a justice of the peace, the said justice shall issue a warrant
directed to some constable, authorising said constable to
summon not less than three respectable citizens, and with
their aid and assistance to examine and search the houses
and premises, of such free negro or mulatto, for abolition or
free papers, using as little violence to the feelings of such
free negro or mulatto, as is compatible with a faithful and di-
ligent search.
Passed March
2, 1843.
An act for the benefit of the heirs of Benjamin Witter, late of
Washington County.
WHEREAS, it has been represented to this General As-
sembly of Maryland, that it will be to the advantage of the
heirs of Benjamin Witter, late of Washington county, de-
ceased, to exchange a portion of the lands belonging to the
said heirs, for a portion equal in value, belonging to a cer-
Upon filing
petition, Or-
phans Court
to act.
tain Elias Davis — therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the orphans court of Washington county upon the filing of
a petition in said court by Elias Davis, and by Sophia Wit-
ter administrators of Benjamin Witter, of Washington coun-
ty, praying for an exchange of said real estate, between the
parties, and upon being satisfied by proof that it will be to
the interest of the heirs of Benjamin Witter, to obtain such
exchange, the quantity not to exceed three acres, with the
said Elias Davis for the said quantity of land, to be contigu-
ous to the said estate of the heirs of Benjamin Witter, and
upon the ratification by the orphans court of Washington
county, of said exchange of the real estate belonging to the
heirs of Benjamin Witter, and Elias Davis, the same shall
be as valid and binding between the parties as if the said
heirs were of lawful age.