Murphy, of Boothby Hill, and William Bull, trustees for
the purpose aforesaid—therefore,
SEction 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the said William Allen, Benedit H. Han-
son, Richard Webster, Harry D. Gough, Charles Gorsuch,
James N. Henderson, William Murphy, of Boothby Hill,
James Stephenson and William Bull, and their successors,
appointed and elected in accordance with the usage and
economy of the aforesaid Methodist Episcopal Church, be
and the same are hereby created a corporation and body
politic by the name and style of the trustees of the Metho-
dist Episcopal Parsonage of Harford Circuit, and by that
name shall be able and capable in law to sue and be sued,
plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered, defend
and be defended, in any court of law or equity, to purchase,
receive, and hold by gift, grant or devise, any real estate
in fee simple, or in any other less estate not exceeding two
acres of land, to be located in whole or part (at the discre-
tion of the aforesaid Methodist Episcopal Church of the said
circuit, ) in the town of Abingdon or such other place as
they shall designate within the limits of Harford county,
and to make and use a common seal, and the same to alter
and change at pleasure.
chap. 292.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the objects of the
said corporation are hereby declared to be the comfortable
accommodation of the married preachers of the Methodist
Episcopal Church of the Baltimore annual conference, or
such oilier annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, as may annually supply the aforesaid circuit with
preachers, by erecting, or causing to be erected such house
or houses, or other improvements, in addition to those which
may already have been erected, on such lot or lots of land
authorized to be acquired as aforesaid so as to afford the
said preachers a comfortable residence during their stay on
said circuit.
tion of mar-
ried preach-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid trustees
of the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage of Harford circuit,
shall hold not only the property authorized to be acquired
as aforesaid, but also such furniture as shall properly be-
longs thereto for the use of said preachers, agreeably to
the rules and economy of the aforesaid church.
Trustees to
hold property
and furniture.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the preacher in charge
of said circuit for the time being, shall be president of the
board of trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage of
Harford circuit, and as such in his official capacity shall
have power to convene the board as often as he may deem
necessary, and when so met shall preside over their delib-
Preacher in
charge to be