as they shall fix, conditioned (or the faithful performance of
his duty as treasurer, and he shall receive and pay away
monies according to the ordinances passed by said commis-
sioners or a majority of them.
chap. 288.
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That said corporation shall
not at any time be allowed to issue any note, certificate or
other device, to be circulated as currency.
Banking for-
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That this act shall inure for
thirty years, unless sooner repealed by the General Assem-
Inure for
thirty years
An act for the relief of Stephen Whales a free man of
color, of Dorchester County.
Passed March
8, 1842
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the lease executed by Eve Fletcher, a free woman of
color, on the twenty-second day of September, in the year
of our Lord, eighteen hundred and forty-one, to Stephen
Whales for ninety-nine years, renewable forever, and re-
corded among the land records of Dorchester county afore-
said, signed by the said Eve Fletcher, without a seal, and
witnessed by Samuel Abbot, a justice of the peace, be and
the same is hereby ratified and confirmed, and shall have
the same effect in law and equity as though the same had
been signed under seal, and acknowledged before two jus-
tices of the peace, any law, usage or custom to the contrary
in any wise notwithstanding.
Made valid
An act to preserve the breed of Fish in the waters of the
Chesapeake Bay and for other purposes.
Passed March
8, 1842.
It having been fully represented by petition in writing
that the placing of stakes on piles and attaching of seines or
nets thereto, in the waters of the Chesapeake Bay, has been
carried to an extent seriously conflicting with public and in-
dividual interest by obstructing the navigation thereof, and
preventing the passage of fish to shoal water, where nature
intended they should propogate their species—therefore,
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act, it