CHAP. 271.
Passed March
8, 1842.
A supplement to the act to promote the preservation, im-
provement and increase of Shell Fish, within this State,
Oyster beds
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That any citizen of this State, owning lands ly-
ing on any of the navigable waters within this State, the lines
whereof extend across and include any cove or arm of such
waters, not navigable by licensed vessels, shall have and is
hereby declared to have an absolute and exclusive property
in all beds and deposites of oysters and other shell fish
which exist within the lines of his aforesaid lands as pa-
tented or conveyed to him; provided, that said oysters and
shell fish shall have been deposited by the owner of said
May exercise
the remedy of
the act 1829.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That every such proprietor
shall have and be entitled to use and exercise any remedy
for any innovation of his right of property aforesaid, which
is created or given by this act to promote the preservation,
improvement and increase of shell fish in this State, passed
at December session, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine,
chapter eighty-seven, for the protection and preservation of
oyster beds or deposites found or made under the provi-
sions of the aforesaid act.
Passed March
7, 1842.
A further supplement to the act entitled, an act for the
despatch of business in Baltimore County Court.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the tax of two
per centum, provided by the second section of the act of
Assembly of eighteen hundred and thirty-five, chapter two
hundred and thirty-five, and the first section of the act of
eighteen hundred and thirty-six, chapter one hundred and
thirty-three, shall be and the same is hereby repealed, ex-
cept as to cases of insolvents now pending and unsettled;
and that in lieu of said per centage, there shall be and is
hereby imposed on all moneys thereafter to be deposited in
Baltimore county court, or coming into the hands of trustees
or other officers of said court, or persons for distribution,
under its orders or authority, the sum of one per centum
and to be paid to the clerk of said court in lieu of the said