Gist, and derived from the sale of her real estate or any
part or parts thereof, to be invested in other real estate
and may appoint such person or persons to make such in-
vestments either in real or personal estate, or in both, as
chap. 238.
the said court may direct.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That in case said investment
or any part thereof, shall be made in real estate, the act to
which this is a supplement shall apply to and regulate the
same, and if said investment or any part thereof shall be
made in personal property, then and in that case such per-
sonal property shall be regarded as real estate which des-
cended on the part of the father of said Thomasina H.
said invest-
A further supplement to an act entitled, an act to incorpo-
rate the Baltimore Equitable Society, for Insuring
Houses from loss by fire.
Passed March
5, 1842.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the directors of the said society for the time being, or
the major part of them, or a committee of investment con-
sisting of not less than four members, of whom the trea-
surer shall ex-officio be one, shall and may invest the funds
of this society in public stocks or other securities, or may
loan the same in their discretion, and for such periods as they
may deem proper, securing the re-payment of such loans,
by mortgage of real estate or otherwise, and changing the
investment as they shall judge safe and beneficial to the so-
ciety, but no loan of the funds of the society shall be made
to the treasurer, any director, officer or clerk of the insti-
Invested in
public stocks.
An act for the relief of the heirs at law of Emory Ed-
wards, late of Kent County, deceased.
Passed March
4, 1842.
Whereas, on the twentieth day of December, in the
year eighteen hundred and forty-one, Anna Maria Mitchell
and Joseph T. Mitchell of the city of Baltimore, by a deed
duly executed and acknowledged, conveyed in fee simple