gallons, and the half barrels not less than fifteen gallons;
provided, that all barrels, half barrels and tierces, made or
used for the purpose of packing or containing pickled shad,
shall be made of white oak, pine, or cyprus, and shall have
at least four hoops on the chine, and three on the bilge, of
the character, condition and manner herein mentioned; and
provided also, that nothing contained in this act shall apply
to fish in kegs of less than ten gallons.
chap. 191.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the sub-inspectors shall
at the end of every month pay over with an account under
oath, to the chief inspector all moneys received by them
for their services as inspectors, or for charges of inspection,
under the act to which this is a supplement, or under any
other act, or ordinances whatsoever, and the said chief in-
spector shall monthly divide in equal proportions between
the said sub-inspectors and the said chief inspector all mo-
neys so received by him.
tors to pay
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That in addition to the brands
now directed by the act to which this is a supplement or
any other act whatsoever, now required to be made, or each
barrel or cask of salted fish, the inspectors are hereby di-
rected and required to brand the name of the month and the
year in which said salted fish were inspected.
Brand the day
of the month.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
each of the sub-inspectors, promptly 1o obey any notice he
may receive requiring his attendance in any place in said
city, and should the said sub-inspector refuse to attend af-
ter receiving such notice for more than the space of two
hours, such said sub-inspector shall be liable to a fine of
ten dollars for every such offence.
Liable to fine
of ten dollars.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the aforesaid chief inspector diligenty to superintend, aid
and assist the aforesaid sub-inspectors in such places and at
such times as the said sub-inspectors shall be engaged in
the discharge of their official duties, and that if the afore-
said chief inspector or sub-inspectors shall place any mark
or brand on any barrel or cask of salted fish other than its
condition or quality requires, such inspector so offending
shall forfeit an amount in money equal in value to the bar-
Liable to for-
rels or casks of salted fish thus wrongfully marked; provi-
ded that nothing in this section shall hold such inspector re-
sponsible for any such forfeiture for a longer time than one
month, after such fish shall have been inspected.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That if any sub-inspector
shall neglect his duty, by wilfully absenting himself there-
from, unless by permission of the chief inspector, and such
sub-inspector so absenting himself by permission of the
said chief-inspector, shall during and for the time of his
Neglect of