CHAP. 82.
Votes rated.
May, eighteen hundred and forty-one; and any member
whose premiums on his unexpired risks, paid and secured
to be paid, amount to one hundred dollars, shall be entitled
to one vole; and any member whose premiums on his unex-
pired risks, paid and secured to be paid, amount to five
hundred dollars, shall be entitled to two votes; and any
member whose premiums on his unexpired risks, paid and
secured to be paid, amount to one thousand dollars, shall
be entitled to three votes; and any member whose premi-
ums on his unexpired risks, paid and secured to be paid, to
amount of fifteen hundred dollars, shall be entitled to four
votes; and any member whose premiums on his unexpired
risks, paid and secured to be paid, amount to two thousand
dollars, shall be entitled to five votes; and no person shall
be entitled to more than five votes: absent members may
vote by proxy; and the voting powers of the members shall
be determined five days previous to said election.
Special meet-
SEC. 5. Be it enacted, That a special meeting of this
company shall be called by the president and directors, upon
the application in writing of twenty members; notice shall
be given ten days successively in two of the newspapers
printed in Baltimore; and special meetings of the company
may be called whenever the president and directors may
deem it expedient upon the same notice.
12 directors—
when elected.
Elect president.
In case an elec-
tion be not held.
Fill vacancies.
SEC. 6. Be it enacted, That for the well ordering the af-
fairs, transacting the business and carrying into effect the
objects of said corporation, there shall be twelve directors
who shall be members of said corporation at the time
of election, and residents of the city of Baltimore; the said
twelve directors shall be chosen by ballot at the annual
meeting for the term of one year, and until others are cho-
sen in their stead; and at their first meeting after each elec-
tion, the directors shall choose a president, who shall also
be a resident of said city, and should it any time happen,
that an election of directors shall not be made upon the day
when pursuant to this act it ought to have been made, the
corporation shall not for that cause be deemed to be dis-
solved, but it shall be lawful upon any other day, within
twenty days thereafter, to make an election of directors in
such manner as is hereinbefore directed; and in case of the
death, resignation or disqualification of the president or of
a director, the place so becoming vacant, may for the re-
mainder of the year be filled up by the board of directors
for the time being; in case of the sickness or necessary
absence of the president, his place may be supplied by a
director, whom the board of directors may at their next re-