&c., under its corporate seal and signature
of the President to the Governor, then it
shall be the duly of the Commissioner of
Loans to issue at such times and in such
sums, of not less than one hundred thou-
sand dollars, &c., certificates of slock or
bonds, &c., to an amount not exceeding
two million of dollars, irredeemable for thir-
ty years, and redeemable thereafter, at the
pleasure of the stockholders, at an interest
of six per cent. &, c.; no stock to be issu-
ed until it will command par, and then only
so much as shall have been actually con-
tracted to be sold,
When said certificates of stock shall have
been sold, &c., the proceeds to be paid into
the Treasury Western Shore, and the Trea-
surer shall set apart and apply the same or
so much as may be necessary for the re-
demption of certificates issued, &c. a full
statement of which to be laid before the
Treasurer by Canal company; in case of ex-
cess, the surplus to be paid to company;
treasurer not to pay to said company more
than $400, 000 in any one quarter,
The right of the State to tolls, &c.,
pledged for the security of the payment of
interest upon the money to be borrowed,
&c., after deducting what is necessary
for the repairs, &c., said company, as the
charter may make necessary, are required to
increase the tolls, etc.,
That for the payment of the principal of
the debt, &c., the annual sum of $25, 000,
to arise from tolls, are set apart, one half of
which said sum shall be paid on the first
of March, and the first of Sept., in each
year after the canal shall have reached Cum-
berland, to accumulate as a sinking fund,
The tolls, &c. to be paid by said com-
pany to the Treasurer Western Shore, se-
miannually on the first Tuesday of March,
and first Tuesday of Sept., in each year, &c.