CHAP. 64.
rendered by a justice of the peace, in virtue of this act, an
a lien upon any lands, tenements or hereditaments, unless
said judgment or judgments shall be recorded by the
clerk of said counties, in the same manner and for the same
fees, as those now rendered by the district courts, where
said judgments shall be a lien, and bear date from the time
of being so recorded.
Fees of justices.
Right to appeal.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That in all cases heard and
determined before any justice of the peace, when the debt
or damages adjudged and determined to be due, exceed the
sum of fifty dollars, the said justices are hereby authorised
and empowered to charge double the fees now allowed by
law to a single justice of the peace, in like cases, under fif-
ty dollars; and in all cases of replevin and attachment, the
said justices shall have, charge and receive the same fees that
are now allowed by law to the district courts, in like cases;
and that each party shall have the same right of appeal to the
county court, and in the same manner as is now allowed
from the judgments of single justices of the peace.
Dockets to be
returned to cl'k
county court.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That it is hereby made the
duty of the respective chief justices of the magistrates
courts within said counties, to deliver to the clerk of the
county, the docket or dockets kept by them, within thirty
days after this act shall go into operation.
Constables' to
give bonds of
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That constables' bonds here-
after to be taken in said counties, shall be taken in the penal
sum of two thousand dollars, and their fees under this
act shall be the same in like cases, as are authorised by law
at the time of the passage of this act.
Cases to be
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That it is hereby made the,
duty of the chief justices of the magistrates' courts, in Wash-
ington county, to transfer to some justice of the peace
within their respective districts, all unsettled cases which
would be within the jurisdiction of single justices under
this act; and all cases depending as aforesaid, which
would not be within the jurisdiction of single justices of the
peace, shall be transferred to the county court of said coun-
ty, there to be heard and determined.
Return of writs.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That in case arty writ of Re-
plevin, attachment, capias ad respondendum, sciere facias
or attachment by way of execution, capias ad satisfacien-
dum, or fieri facias issued by any of the district courts, then
and in such case the sheriff or constable, in whose hands
such writ may be in, at the time of this act going into effect,
shall return the same before some justice of the election
district in which it was issued, who shall take such pro-