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Session Laws, 1840
Volume 592, Page 349   View pdf image
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CHAP. 30.

Assent of Con-
gress required.

work as contracted to be done, shall be fully executed
within the time limited by said contract or contracts.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That our senators and repre-
sentatives in Congress, be and they, are hereby requested
to use their best efforts to procure the assent of that body,
to the seventh section of this act.


Rail roads to be
constructed by
corporations, &
bonds given to
effect, before is-
suing of bonds
under this act.

SEC. 10. And whereas, it is to be apprehended that the
canal will reach Cumberland before, any effective effort
will he made to open and complete the several rail roads
which are to connect the canal with the coal mines, in
which case there is danger that the State may be compel-
led to make these rail roads at the public expense; there-
fore, be it further enacted, that before any contract shall be
made for the completion of said canal to Cumberland, or
bond or certificate issued under the provisions of this act,
the Treasurer of the Western Shore shall certify, under
his hand and seal of office, to the president and directors
of the said Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, that the
companies hereinafter named, incorporated by the Legisla-
ture of this State, to wit: the Boston and New York Coal
Company, the Maryland and New York Iron and Coal
Company, the Maryland Mining Company, and the Clifton
Coal Company, have severally given satisfactory bonds to
the State of Maryland, conditioned for the construction
and completion of a rail road adequate to convey to said
canal the products of their respective mines, the same to
be completed ready for use simultaneously with the com-
pletion of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal to Cumberland.

If bonds cannot
be sold, to issue


SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That if the bonds hereinbe-
fore directed to be issued, cannot be sold in time to be im-
mediately available, the said company may, and it is here-
by authorised to issue certificates, in sums of not loss than
one dollar, payable to the holder or order, at the Treasury
of the Western Shore, out of the proceeds of the sales of
the said certificates of stock or bonds; provided nevertheless,
that no such certificate shall issue until after the canal shall
be put under contract, as directed by the eighth section of
this act; and provided also, that not more than four hundred
thousand dollars of said certificates shall be issued in any
one quarter of a year.

Coal and iron
companies to
bond, &c. to
transport coal.

SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That no part of this bill
shall be operative, until one or more of the incorporated
coal and iron companies, in Allegany county, shall have en-
tered into bond, with security, to the State of Maryland,
to be approved by the Treasurer of the Western Shore, to
pay two Hundred thousand dollars per annum, five years,

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Session Laws, 1840
Volume 592, Page 349   View pdf image
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