as the case may be, that such allowances are just and rea-
SEC. 56. And be it enacted, That the treasurers of the
respective shores shall be, and they are hereby authorised to
direct such proceedings against any collector who shall make
default in payment of any lax which he may be required to
collect, under the provisions of this act, as they may now
direct against a delinquent sheriff or clerk, and to allow
such commission to the attorney employed to conduct such
proceedings, as may be allowed to an attorney on like pro-
ceedings against a delinquent sheriff or clerk as aforesaid
CHAP. 23.
Delinquent col-
lector to be pro-
ceeded against.
SEC. 57. And be it enacted, That if the levy court, or
commissioner of any county, or Howard district, or the
mayor and city council of Baltimore, or the members of
the said appeal tax court, shall fail to execute any of the
duties imposed on them by this act, each member thereof
shall be liable to indictment for such default, and shall for-
feit a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars; but any mem-
ber may protect himself from prosecution as aforesaid, by
giving immediate information thereof, to the Attorney Gene-
ral or his deputy, for the county, district, or city, wherein
such default shall or may have taken place.
If levy court, &c.
fail to execute
any duty.
Fine $500
SEC. 58. And be it enacted, That if at any time the
levy court or commissioners of any county, or of Howard
district, or the mayor and city council of Baltimore, should
fail to levy on the assessable property in such county, dis-
trict or city, the sum required to be levied thereon by this
act, the same sum of money with one years interest there
on, in addition to the tax for that year, shall be imposed and
levied on the assessable property in such county, district
or city, in the succeeding year.
Failure to levy
provided for.
SEC. 59. And be it enacted, That so much of the se-
veral acts, heretofore passed, in relation to the assessment
and collection of taxes, as may come within the provisions
of this act and conflict therewith, shall be and the same art
hereby repealed; and so far as the existing laws of this
State may come in aid of the execution of this act, they
shall apply and be construed as parts of this act.
laws repealed.
SEC. 60. And be it enacted, That from and after the pre-
sent year, eighteen hundred and forty-one, all county, dis-
trict and city taxes shall be assessed on the property va-
lued under the provisions of this act, any thing in any
other act to the contrary notwithstanding; provided, that no-
thing in this section shall be so construed as to subject to
taxation, for county or city purposes, vessels which now
pay licenses to the general government.
County and ci-
ty taxes hereaf-
ter to be laid by
this act.