sess such damages as the State shall have sustained, and
upon such verdict, judgment shall be entered, if for the
State, for the penalty of the bond, to be released on pay-
ment of the damages assessed by the jury, with interest
until paid, and costs.
CHAP. 23.
SEC. 49. And be it enacted, That no appeal taken under
the provisions of this act, shall have the effect of staying, or
delaying the collection of the tax hereby directed to be im-
posed; but if after the determination of any such appeal, it
shall be made to appear to the Treasurer for the Western
Shore, that any person hath paid to the proper collector,
a greater sum of money than ought to have been required
of him, agreeably to the opinion of the said court expressed
on said appeal, the said person shall be entitled to receive,
and the Treasurer for the Western Shore shall be, and
hereby is authorised to pay to him, out of any unappropria-
ted money in the treasury, the excess of such payment over
and above the sum which ought to have been paid by
him, with interest thereon, from the time of the payment
thereof to the said collector.
Collection tax
not to be delay-
ed by appeal
If excess of tax
be paid.
SEC. 50. And be it enacted, That if the valuation made
in any county, or Howard district, or the city of Balti-
more, shall be corrected in consequence of the decision of
the Court of Appeals to be pronounced on any appeal as
aforesaid, whereby the valuation made of the property of
any person is reduced, it shall be the duty of the clerk of
the levy court or commissioners of said county or district,
or the appeal tax court of the city of Baltimore, as the case
may be, to furnish the collector of such county, district or
city with the list or statement of such correction; and there-
after the collector shall levy and collect of such person
only such amount of tax as shall be rightly receivable as a
tax upon property of such reduced value.
Corrected list
to be furnished
SEC. 51. And be it enacted, That if by reason of any
such correction as aforesaid, the value of the property as-
sessed to any person is increased, it shall be the duty of the
levy court or commissioners, or appeal lax court, as the
case may be, to add the amount of tax after the rate afore-
said on the said increased value to the tax which shall or
may be assessed or imposed on such person during the year
eighteen hundred and forty-two, as is hereinafter mention-
ed, which shall be collected and accounted for to the trea-
surer of the proper shore at the time of collecting and ac-
counting for the tax of the said year.
If value of pro-
perty be increa-
sed, &c.