cording to the several wards in the city of Baltimore; and
the said courts shall allow to their respective clerks, such
compensation for additional services, required of them by
the provisions of this act, as, they in their judgment may
deem right and proper.
CHAP. 23.
of clerks.
SEC. 28. And be it enacted, That the cleric of the levy
court or commissioners in each county and Howard district,
and the appeal tax court, shall on or before the first day of
December next, or as soon thereafter as practicable, make
out, from the assessors statements, returns and certificates
and the corrections thereof, made as is hereinbefore provi-
ded, if any, a summary account, or list, or columns, in
which shall be clearly and distinctly expressed, the estates
and property of any sort and description whatsoever, and
the value thereof affixed to them respectively, and the,
whole value in each district extended tend the amount of
each column, and shall lay the same before the levy court
Clerks to make
out a summary
account, &c. of
assessors return.
or commissioners, as the case may be, who shall, after ex-
amination and correction thereof, sign and enclose the same,
endorsed on public service, to the Treasurer for the West-
tern Shore of this State, ami the appeal tax court shall
likewise perform the said duties, and in like manner sign,
and enclose the same.
To be signed by
levy court, &c.
and enclosed to
Treasurer W. S.
SEC. 29. And whereas, it is possible that in the execution
of the provisions of this act, property may be excluded
from the valuation hereby authorised, which ought to be
valued and assessed for support of government according
to the constitution and form of government of this State,
and that other property may be included in the said valua-
tion which is not subject to valuation and assessment; and
whereas, it is desirable that some summary mode should be
provided for settling and determining all such questions in
a satisfactory manner; Be ii further enacted, that any per-
son who shall feel him or herself aggrieved by the decision
of the levy court or commissioners of any county, or of
Howard district, or of the said appeal tax court, upon any
question arising upon the review of the valuation aforesaid,
whereby property is valued which in the opinion of such
person ought not to be valued, or whereby any property is
excluded from valuation which the said person claims ought
to be valued, it shall and may be lawful for such person to
prosecute an appeal from the decision aforesaid to the next
term of the Court of Appeals for the Western or Eastern
Shore, as the case may be, to be held in December next
after such appeal shall have been taken, after the passage
of this act, so that the appeal shall be taken before the first
Right of appeal
from valuation.