business of such corporation, is situate, and that the stock
of a manufacturing corporation is situated at the place
where the works of such corporation, or the greater part of
its operations shall be conducted, and that the stock of a
turnpike, rail road, canal, or other improvement corpora-
tion, is situated at that particular point or place on the line
of its improvements, or at one of its termini, where its princi-
pal office for the transaction of business shall be established.
CHAP. 23.
And other cor-
SEC. 17. And for the effectual collection of the taxes
assessed on the stock of private corporations held by non-
residents, be it enacted, that the president or other proper
officers of the corporations, liable to valuation and assess-
ment under the provisions of this act, shall make out and
deliver to the assessors of the proper county, district or
city, an account of stock in such corporation, held by per-
sons not residents of this State, and the same shall be valu-
ed at its actual cash value to, and in the name of such
stockholders respectively, but the lax assessed on such
stock, shall be levied and collected from the said corpora-
tion, unless paid by such stockholders, and shall be charged
to the account of such non-resident stockholders in the
said corporation, and shall be a lien on the stocks therein
held by such stockholders respectively.
Presidents of
private corpora-
tions to make
out account of
stock held by
How valued.
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That said assessors may re-
quire the account of stock furnished as aforesaid, to be ve-
rified by the oath of the proper officer of the corporation, or
may require that the stock books of said corporation, shall
be opened to them for their inspection.
Account to be
on oath.
SEC. 19. And be it enacted, That the assessors appointed
under the provisions of this act, shall enter upon the duty
of valuing the property in their respective counties, districts
or city, on or before the first Monday of May next, after
the passage of this act, and shall proceed therein with all
reasonable despatch, so that the same may be completed
before the first Monday of October next; and the said as-
sessors are hereby directed to return and deliver unto the
levy court; or commissioners of their county or of Howard
district, or to the said appeal tax court, as the case may
be, on or before the third Monday of October next, a cer-
tificate in writing: of the particulars of the property and va-
luation made by them, in manner and form as is hereinbefore
directed; and the assessors for the city of Baltimore, shall
in their return, likewise designate the property and the par-
ticulars thereof, lying without the limits of direct taxation,
and within the exterior limits of the city, with an alphabeti-
cal list of all persons therein concerned, and a complete de-
Time of com-
mencing valua-
Return of valu-
ation required.