CHAP. 23.
Return requir-
ed to be made.
and city wherein he or she may reside; and they shall spe-
cify in their returns to be made as hereinafter mentioned,
as far. as may be practicable:
1. The names of the tracts or parcels of land, or other
description thereof, owned by each individual, with the
quantity of acres therein, and value thereof.
2. The negro slaves, classifying them according to their
ages, as follows: the negro slaves under the age of four-
teen years, their number and aggregate value; the male
slaves from fourteen to forty-five years of age, their num-
ber and aggregate value; the male slaves from forty-five
years of age and upwards, their number and aggregate value;
the female slaves from fourteen to thirty-six years of age,
their number and aggregate value; the female slaves from
thirty-six years of age and upwards, their number and ag-
gregate value.
3. Stock in trade, its general description. and value.
4. Public securities liable to valuation, particularly spe-
cified, with their respective values.
5. Bank stocks and other stocks, particularly specified,
with their respective values.
6. Private securities }
7. Live stock }
8. Household furniture } The aggregate
9. Plate } value of each.
10. Gold and silver watches }
11. Property of other descriptions }
Owners, &c. to
furnish infor-
mation relative
to land, &c.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said assessors shall
have power and authority, whenever they shall think
necessary, to require the owners, possessors or claimants
of lands within their respective counties or districts, to fur-
nish such information with regard to the number of acres
and location of said lands, as may be necessary to enable
them to ascertain the value thereof, the same if required by
the said assessors to he under oath or affirmation, of such
person or persons, to be administered by some one or other
of said assessors.
Account of
slaves to be giv-
en assessors.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted. That any person owning any
slave or slaves, or any person having the care and manage-
ment of such slave or slaves, shall deliver to the assessors
of the county or district, in which such slave or slaves shall
live, whenever required thereunto by such assessors, a full
and true account of such slave or slaves owned by him or
her, or under his or her care or management, with the
name and age of each, and the same shall be signed by such