CHAP. 23.
four assessment districts, whereof election districts num-
bered one and two, shall constitute the first district; and
election districts numbered eight, nine and eleven, shall
constitute the second district; and election districts num-
bered four, five and ten, shall constitute the third district;
and election districts numbered three, twelve and fourteen,
shall constitute the fourth district; that Anne Arundel coun-
ty shall be divided into two assessment districts, where-
of election districts numbered one, two, three, four and
eight, shall be the first district; and Annapolis city the se
cond district; that Washington county shall be divided
into three assessment districts, whereof election districts
numbered one, six and eight, shall constitute the first dis-
trict; and election districts numbered two, four and five,
shall constitute the second district; and districts number-
ed three, seven and nine, shall constitute the third dis-
trict; and each assessment district in the said city and
counties shall have the same number of assessors resident
therein, as shall be provided for Howard district in
Anne Arundel county, and the counties having but one
assessment district.
Assessors to
make valuation.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the following persons
shall be, and they are hereby appointed assessors to make
the valuation hereby directed within their respective dis-
tricts, that is to say: for Saint Mary's county, Robert Crane,
Stephen H. Gough and William Biscoe; for Calvert county,
William H. Boswell, Levin Stanforth and James A. Bond;
for Charles county, Benjamin Adams, Peter Dent and Jo-
seph Stone; for Prince George's county, William Hall,
Leonard H. Chew and Truman Belt; for Anne Arundel
county, Benjamin Watkins of Nicholas, Charles Hodges
and John H. Brown; Cor the city of Annapolis, Washington
G. Tuck, Philip Clayton and Grafton Munroe; for Howard
District in Anne Arundel county, James B. Matthews. An-
thony Smith and Richard Gambrill; for Montgomery coun-
ty, Charles H. Murphey, William B. Howard and Isaac
Holland; for Harford county, Frederick T. Amos, John S.
Hall and Henry D. Gough; for Allegany county, Martin
Rizer, jr., William Shaw and Leonard Shircliff; for Cecil
county, James Ford, Edward Wilson and Samuel Gay,
senr.; for Kent county, William Hayne, Caleb W. Spry and
Thomas Baker; for Queen Anne's county, Samuel Chase,
John C. Ruth and Thomas H. Kemp; for Talbot county,
James C. Wheeler, Samuel S. Satterfield and John Kemp,
jr.; for Caroline county, Joseph C. Talbott, James Hignutt
and Shorte A. Willis, for Dorchester county, Thomas Dale,