and shall be entitled to no other compensation for their ser-
CHAP. 242.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That from and after the pas-
sage of this act, it shall not be lawful for the present board
of lottery commissioners to make any further contracts for
the sale or drawing of lotteries, authorised to be drawn by
the laws of this State.
No contracts to
be made by pre-
sent board.
SEC. 3. Be it enacted, That the third, fourth and nine-
teenth sections of the act, entitled an an act to regulate
lotteries, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
seventeen, and all acts, and parts of acts, as are contrary to
this act, be and the same are hereby repealed.
laws repealed.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall report annually to the treasurer of the Western Shore,
a full and accurate account of the condition of the lottery
system at present established, on the first Monday of De-
cember in each year, and shall exhibit a statement of their
receipts, expenditures, and proceedings generally, to the
same office.
to make annual
A further supplement to an act, entitled an act to autho-
rise the appointment of Commissioners, and the division
of Worcester County into School Districts, and for
other purposes, passed at December session, eighteen
hundred and thirty-eight, chapter three hundred and se-
Passed Mar. 8,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the commissioners of Worcester county
be, and they are hereby authorised and required to appro-
priate any sum required by the board of primary educa-
tion for said bounty, provided, they shall not require more
than four, thousand dollars in any one year, which sums shall
be payable to their order, semi-annually, on the first Mon-
day in May and November, and that the said board of pri-
mary education apportion the same according to the origi-
nal act, of which this is a supplement; and that the said
board is hereby authorised to expend the same in building
school houses, or for tuition, as they may deem proper, af-
ter having deducted from the whole amount a sufficient sum
for the payment of contingent expenses.
How expended.