McNeal, Abramson, Cole, Friedman, Hatchett, Pollack, Bacharach,, Cardin, Fitzgerald,
Mandel, Silver, Baynes, Corrigan, Hodges, Loose, Myers (W. J.), Ankeney, Berkson,
Bloom, Brewer, Huyett, Porter, Gude, Lee, Schweinhaut, Woodward, Cook, Driscoll,
Hughes (G. R.), Williams, Reed, Barnes, Hahn, Smith, Murray, Cannon, Larmore,
Edwards, Glotfelty. Total—106
Senate Bill No. 1—By The President:
A Bill entitled "An Act to add a new Section 19A to Article 95A of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition), title 'Unemployment Insur-
ance Law', sub-title 'Reciprocal Arrangements', to follow immediately after
Section 19 thereof, authorizing and directing the Executive Director of the
of the Deparment of Employment Security to enter into an agreement on
behalf of the State of Maryland with the United States Secretary of
Labor acting on behalf of the United States, whereunder the Department
of Employment Security of the State of Maryland will act as agent of the
United States to carry out and fully participate in the provisions of the
'Temporary Unemployment Compensation Act of 1958' (Public Law 441,
85th Congress) under such conditions, rules and regulations as are
specifically contemplated by said Temporary Unemployment Compensation
Act of 1958'."
Approved by Rules Committee for referral to Committee on Ways
and Means.
On motion of Mr. Boone, duly seconded, and two-thirds of the mem-
bers-elect voting in the affirmative, the rules were suspended by yeas and
nays as follows for the purpose of reporting Senate Bill No. 2.
Speaker, Combs, Raley, Harris (R. B.), Joiner, Kirkland, Melvin, Ridout, Tawney,
Wade, Whitmore, Dowell, Hance, Jenkins, Parran, Boone, Brewster, Culver, Jackson,
Maguire, Staten, Harrison, Lowe, Quinn, Riggin, Simpkins, Adams, Bennett, Brinsfield,
Corkran, Mackie, Loveless, Machen, Nichols, Sasscer, Sickles, Wilkinson, Eaton, Risley,
Polk, Stevens, Derr, Harris (S. F.), Payne, Smelser, Virts, Utterback, Hatem, Moore,
Tydings, Blades, Hughes (H.), Dabrowski, Milanicz, Mrozinski, Nowakowski, Silk,
Walters, Antonelli, Bartos, Mach, Urban, Acker, Buffington, Culotta, Kenney, McNeal,
Abramson, Cole, Friedman, Hatchett, Pollack, Bacharach, Cardin, Fitzgerald, Mandel,
Silver, Baynes, Corrigan, Hodges, Loose, Myers (W. J.), Ankeney, Berkson, Bloom,
Brewer, Huyett, Porter, Gude, Lee, Schweinhaut, Woodward, Cook, Driscoll, Hughes
(G. R.), Williams, Reed, Barnes, Hahn, Smith, Murray, Cannon, Larmore, Edwards,
Glotfelty... Total—105
Senate Bill No. 2—By The President:
A Bill entitled "An Act making an emergency appropriation for the
payment of the expenses of the General Assembly of Maryland for the
Second Extraordinary Session of 1958."
Approved by Rules Committee for referral to Committee on Ways
and Means.
On motion of Mr. Boone, duly seconded, and two-thirds of the mem-
bers-elect voting in the affirmative, the rules were suspended by yeas and
nays as follows for the purpose of reporting Senate Bill No. 1.