By Mr. Boone:
Ordered, That the monies appropriated for the expenses of this special
session, as set forth in the appropriation bill, be paid upon the joint order
of the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Delegates.
Which was read and adopted by roll call as follows:
Speaker, Combs, Raley, Harris (R. B.), Joiner, Kirkland, Melvin, Ridout, Tawney,
Wade, Whitmore, Dowell, Hance, Jenkins, Parran, Boone, Brewster, Maguire, Staten,
Harrison, Latham, Lowe, Quinn, Riggin, Simpkins, Adams, Bennett, Brinsfield, Corkran,
Burkley, Mackie, McCool, Machen, Nichols, Sasscer, Sickles, Wilkinson, Eaton, Risley,
Hickman, Polk, Stevens, Derr, Harris (S. F.), Payne, Smelser, Virts, Utterback, Hatem,
Hess, Moore, Tydings, Blades, Hughes (H.), Dabrowski, Milanicz, Mrozinski, Nowakow-
ski, Silk, Walters, Antonelli, Bartos, Behounek, Hedrick, Mach, Urban, Acker, Brooks,
Buffington, Kenney, McNeal, Abramson, Cole, Friedman, Hatchett, Pollack, Robinson,
Bacharach, Cardin, Mandel, Silver, Baynes, Corrigan, Hodges, Loose, Meyers (W. W.),
Myers (W. J.), Ankeney, Berkson, Bloom, Brewer, Huyett, Porter, Browning, Gude,
Lee, Schweinhaut, Wheeler, Woodward, Cook, Driscoll, Hughes (G. R.), Williams, Reed,
Barnes, Hahn, Six, Smith, Brown, Murray, Hanna, Larmore, White, Ashby, Edwards,
Glotfelty. Total—116
By Mr. Boone:
Ordered, That the rules adopted by the House of Delegates of
Maryland at the regular session of 1958 be hereby adopted as the rules
governing the House of Delegates during the present special session of
1958 until otherwise ordered.
Which was read and adopted by roll call as follows:
Speaker, Combs, Raley, Harris (R. B.), Joiner, Kirkland, Melvin, Ridout, Tawney,
Wade, Whitmore, Dowell, Hance, Jenkins, Parran, Boone, Brewster, Maguire, Staten,
Harrison, Latham, Lowe, Quinn, Riggin, Simpkins, Adams, Bennett, Brinsfield, Corkran,
Burkley, Mackie, McCool, Machen, Nichols, Sasscer, Sickles, Wilkinson, Eaton, Risley,
Hickman, Polk, Stevens, Derr, Harris (S. P.), Payne, Smelser, Virts, Utterback, Hatem,
Hess, Moore, Tydings, Blades, Hughes (H.), Dabrowski, Milanicz, Mrozinski, Nowakow-
ski, Silk, Walters, Antonelli, Bartos, Behounek, Hedrick, Mach, Urban, Acker, Brooks,
Buffington, Kenney, McNeal, Abramson, Cole, Friedman, Hatchett, Pollack, Robinson,
Bacharach, Cardin, Mandel, Silver, Baynes, Corrigan, Hodges, Loose, Meyers (W. W.),
Myers (W. J.), Ankeney, Berkson, Bloom, Brewer, Huyett, Porter, Browning, Gude,
Lee, Schweinhaut, Wheeler, Woodward, Cook, Driscoll, Hughes (G. R.), Williams, Reed,
Barnes, Hahn, Six, Smith, Brown, Murray, Hanna, Larmore, White, Ashby, Edwards,
Glotfelty. Total—116
By Mr. Boone:
Ordered, That the House of Delegates Committees appointed by the
Speaker of the House of Delegates during the regular session of 1958 be
and they are hereby continued to serve during the special session of 1958 ;
and be further ordered that the Speaker is hereby authorized and em-