tional weeks of unemployment compensation for Maryland workers whose
benefits have been exhausted under our State Unemployment Compensation
Laws; and
Whereas, The Attorney General of Maryland has advised that existing:
statutory authority is not sufficiently broad to permit the Department of
Employment Security to enter into an agreement with the United States
Secretary of Labor to secure such benefits for Maryland workers, unless
authority is provided by an act of the General Assembly; and
Whereas, there are now approximately 18,000 Maryland citizens who
have exhausted the maximum benefits available under Maryland law, and
the extension of the period of unemployment compensation benefits to
them pursuant to the aforesaid Federal act, is necessary and desirable
under an enlightened public policy, I have decided to convene a Special
Session of the General Assembly, to consider this matter, and to consider
also enabling legislation for increased loan funds for the proposed Balti-
more Civic Center, for increased urban renewal loan funds for the project
known as Charles Center, and any other legislation of an acute emergency
nature, now, therefore,
I, Theodore R. McKeldin, Governor of the State of Maryland, by virtue
of the authority conferred and duly vested in me by the Constitution of
Maryland, do hereby call a Special or Extraordinary Session of the General
Assembly of Maryland, to begin at 10:00 A.M. on June 13, 1958, at the
State Capital, in the City of Annapolis, State of Maryland.
GIVEN under My Hand and the Great Seal of the State of Maryland,
at the City of Annapolis, this 9th day of June in the Year of Our Lord,
One Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty-Eight.
By the Governor:
Secretary of State.
ANNAPOLIS, MD., June 11, 1958.
The Honorable
The Speaker of the House
State House
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Mr. Speaker:
I have today appointed Robert F. Sweeney, 6110 Bellona Avenue,
Baltimore 12, Maryland, as a member of the General Assembly to represent
the Third Legislative District, vice J. Raymond Buff ington, Jr., who today
has been appointed as a member of the State Senate to represent the Third
Legislative District.