1958] OF THE SENATE 19
preventing the spread of blight or deterioration, and for the payment of
any and all costs and expenses incurred in connection with or incidental
to the acquisition of said land or property, including, but not limited to,
the costs and expenses of relocating persons or other legal entities displaced
by the acquisition of said land or property or rights, interests, privileges,
or easements therein, and for the development or redevelopment, including,
but not limited to, the comprehensive renovation or rehabilitation of any
land or property or any right, interest, easement or privilege therein, in
the City of Baltimore, and for the payment of any and all costs and ex-
penses incurred in connection with or incidental to said development or
redevelopment, including comprehensive renovation or rehabilitation,
including, but not limited to, the costs and expenses of planning for the
area in which said development or redevelopment is undertaken, and for
the demolition, removal, relocation, renovation or alteration of land, build-
ings, streets, highways, alleys, utilities or services, and other structures
or improvements, and for the construction, reconstruction, installation,
relocation or repair of buildings, streets, highways, alleys, utilities or
services, and other structures or improvements, in connection with the
development or redevelopment of land or property, including the com-
prehensive renovation or rehabilitation thereof; and to authorize said
municipality to submit an ordinance or ordinances for said purpose to the
legal voters of Baltimore City; and declaring this Act to be an emergency
Which was read the first time and referred to the Committee on Rules.
Senator Turnbull, asked that the rules be suspended in order to report
the following bill and two thirds of the Senators-elect, voting in the
affirmative, the rules were suspended by yeas and nays as follows:
President, Bertorelli, Buffington, Cole, Dean, Della, DiDomenico, Downey, Flanagan,
Friend, Goodman, James, Johnson, Malkus, Mason, Mattingly, Mudd, Nock, North,
Northrop, Phipps, Phoebus, Ramsburg, Rasin, Redden, See, Shipley, Turnbull, Wheatley.
House Bill No. 1—By The Speaker:
A Bill entitled "An Act to authorize the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore to issue the certificates of indebtedness of said corporation to an
amount not exceeding Six Million Dollars ($6,000,000), the proceeds of
the same to be used for the acquisition of land or property in the City of
Baltimore and establishing, constructing, erecting and equipping on said
land or property, or on any land or property now or hereafter owned by
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, a modern and adequate civic
center and all facilities and appurtenances necessary or useful in connec-
tion with the operation of a modern civic center which shall be designed
and constructed to be used for or in connection with sporting events, ex-
hibitions, performances for theatrical, educational and cultural purposes
and for a public auditorium or convention hall, and for doing any and all
things necessary, proper or expedient in connection with or pertaining to
any or all of the matters or things hereinbefore mentioned; conferring
and imposing upon the Civic Center Commission of Baltimore certain
powers and duties; providing certain conditions which must be complied