"Subversive Organization" means any organization which
engages in or advocates, abets, advises, or teaches, or a pur-
pose of which is to engage in or advocate, abet, advise, or
teach activities intended to overthrow, destroy or alter, or to
assist in the overthrow, destruction or alteration of, the con-
stitutional form of the government of the United States, or
of the State of Maryland, or of any political subdivision of
either of them, by revolution, force, or violence.
"Foreign subversive organization" means any organization
directed, dominated or controlled directly or indirectly by
a foreign government which engages in or advocates, abets,
advises, or teaches, or a purpose of which is to engage in or
to advocate, abet, advise, or teach, activities intended to
overthrow, destroy or alter, or to assist in the overthrow,
destruction or alteration of the constitutional form of the
government of, the United States, or of the State of Mary-
land, or of any political sub-division of either of them, and
to establish in place thereof any form of government the
direction and control of which is to be vested in, or exer-
cised by or under, the domination or control of any foreign
government, organization, or individual; but does not and
shall not be construed to mean an organization the bona
fide purpose of which is to promote world peace by alliances
or unions with other governments or world federations,
unions or governments to be effected through constitutional
"Foreign government" means the government of any
country or nation other than the government of the United
States of America or of one of the States thereof.
"Subversive person" means any person who commits, at-
tempts to commit, or aids in the commission, or advocates,
abets, advises or teaches by any means any person to com-
mit, attempt to commit, or aid in the commission of any
act intended to overthrow, destroy or alter, or to assist in
the overthrow, destruction or alteration of, the constitutional
form of the Government of the United States, or of the State
of Maryland, or any political sub-division of either of them,
by revolution, force, or violence; or who is a member of a
subversive organization or a foreign subversive organization.
2. It shall be a felony for any person knowingly and
wilfully to
(a) commit, attempt to commit, or aid in the commission
of any act intended to overthrow, destroy or alter, or^to