the Board of Trustees shall certify to the Governor the
amounts which will become due and payable during the year
next following to each of the funds of the retirement system.
The. amount thus ascertained shall be included in the budget
bill which is submitted to the General Assembly.
The Board of Trustees shall certify one-quarter of the
amount so ascertained for each year to the State Comptroller
on or before the last day of December, February, May and
September. The Comptroller shall, on or before the first day
of January, March, June and October, draw a warrant or
warrants on the State Treasurer for the respective amounts
due the retirement system. On the receipt of the warrant
of the Comptroller, the State Treasurer shall immediately
'transfer to the retirement system the amounts due.
54. (Transfer of Funds. ) Within sixty days following the
date of establishment of the retirement system., the Board of
Trustees shall determine the proportion of the funds of the
State Police Pension Fund therein which represent the
amount of contributions made thereto by members of such
fund who have elected not to be covered in the membership
of the retirement system, together with interest thereon at
the rate of four per centum per annum compounded annually,
from the year each such contribution was made to September
1, 1949. Twice the amount so determined shall be subtracted
from the total amount of the cash and securities in the State
Police Pension Fund as of such date, and the remainder shall
thereupon be transferred to the Pension Accumulation Fund.
55. (Forfeiture of Benefits. ) Any member or any retired
member upon conviction of any crime by a court of competent
jurisdiction and imposition of a sentence of confinement in a
jail or prison for one or more years, shall forfeit to the retire-
ment system all benefits under the provisions of this sub-title
to which he is or may be entitled, together with twenty-five
per centum (25%) of all contributions, with regular interest
thereon, made by him.
56. (Guaranty. ) The creation and, maintenance of reserves
in the Pension Accumulation Fund, the maintenance of an-
nuity reserves and pension reserves as provided for, and regu-
lar interest creditable to the various funds as provided in Sec-
tion 53 of this sub-title, and the payment of all pensions, annui-
ties, retirement allowances, refunds and other benefits granted
under the provisions of this sub-title and all expenses in con-
nection with the administration and operation of this retire-
ment system, are hereby made obligations of the State. All
income, interest and dividends derived therefrom which, when