776 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Cii. 309
per terms of her Will, recorded in the office of the Register
of Wills, for Baltimore County in "Wills" Liber No. 42, Folio
117, having a value of $2,255.23.
169. To the bequest to the Inner Mission Society of
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Baltimore City and
Vicinity, Inc., one-sixth of the residuary estate of Annett
Pritchard, per terms of her Will, recorded in the office of
the Register of Wills for Baltimore County in "Wills" Liber
No. 32, Folio 117 having a value of $2,255.23.
170. To the bequest of $100.00 by last Will and Testa-
ment of Anna E. Beck, deceased, formerly of Baltimore,
Md., to Martin Luther Evangelical Lutheran Church, Pat-
terson Park Ave. and Orleans St., Baltimore, Md. recorded
in the office of the Register of Wills in Baltimore City in
"Wills" Liber 226, Folio 428.
171. To the grant and deed executed by The Title Hold-
ing Company to Trustees of the Church of Christ of Balti-
more City, Maryland, dated August 19, 1947, and duly re-
corded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber
M. L. P. No. 7205, Folio 33, conveying the fee simple prop-
erty known as 528-530 West University Parkway, Balti-
more, Maryland, more particularly described in said deed.
172. To the grant and deed executed by John B. Ken-
nedy, et al, to Trustees of the Church of Christ of Balti-
more City, Maryland, dated June 4, 1948, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber M. L.
P. 7473, Folio 124, conveying the fee simple property in
the rear of 528-530 West University Parkway, Baltimore,
Maryland, more particularly described in said deed.
173. To deed from Lyman J. Mansfield and Catherine
F. Mansfield, his wife, to Ralph D. Malberg, Melvin E.
Taylor, Donald Jacobs, Roland Jarvis and Herman Dowdy,
Trustees of the Independent Fundamental Church of Col-
mar Manor, dated January 3, 1947, and recorded January
9, 1947, among the Land Records of Prince George's County,
Maryland, in Liber No. 893, at Folio 153, conveying Lots
Numbered twenty (20), twenty-one (21) and twenty-two
(22), in Block numbered one (1), in the subdivision known
as "Colmar Manor", as per plat thereof recorded among the
plat records of said County in Plat Book R. N. R. No. 2,
at Folio 37.
174. To deed from William D. Henry, et al, Trustees,
to First Methodist Episcopal Church of Chevy Chase,
dated July 3, 1913, recorded in Liber 238 at Folio 29,