twelve years from the date of issue, and no such! bonds
or notes shall be sold for a price less than par. Such
bonds or notes may be sold at either public or private
sale, and the form, date, interest rate or rates, and all other
details incident to the offering, sale, execution and deliv-
ery of the bonds, within the limitations above set forth,
shall be within the discretion of the Board of Managers.
Bonds issued under the provisions of this section shall be
exempt from the provisions of Article 31, Sections 34 to
36 inclusive, of the Annotated Code of Maryland. The
proceeds therefrom shall be paid over by the Board of
Managers to the County Treasurer, who shall retain them
in a special fund to be disbursed only upon warrant of the
Board of Managers. The proceeds therefrom shall be
devoted entirely to carrying out the plan of drainage
improvements, except that any surplus resulting there-
from shall be used in the redemption of said bonds.
(e) The Board of Managers shall certify to the County
Commissioners and to the County Treasurer the total
amount due each year for the redemption of the bonds
or notes so issued, including all payments of principal and
interest. The County Treasurer shall compute each year
the amount due from each individual taxable, based upon
the amounts shown in the drainage tax roll, in such man-
ner that the total of amounts individually due shall equal
in any year the aggregate sum required in that year for
the redemption of the bonds or notes and interest. The
County Treasurer shall include in his regular tax bill for
for each taxable, the sum as so computed. Such drainage
taxes shall be due and collectible at the same time and in
the same manner as county taxes, and shall be liable to
the same interest and penalties for late payment or
(f) Except as provided in this section, the provisions
of Sections 39-80 shall apply in all respects to drainage
improvements made under this section as if made from
funds procured by assessments without issuing bonds or
(g) The Board of Managers, in lieu of carrying out the
plan of drainage improvements as hereinbefore provided,
may take over or adopt as the whole or as part of the drain-
age improvements to be provided under this sub-title, any
ditch or ditches, drains or drainage improvements already
constructed, and may pay from the proceeds of any bonds
issued under the provisions of this Section the amount
necessary to acquire such ditch or ditches, drains or drain-