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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 58   View pdf image (33K)
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in such land by such trustee or life tenant, or holder of a
defeasible estate to the owner of the leasehold or sub-leasehold
interests therein upon the payment of the sum of money for
which the said rent or sub-rent may be redeemable, together
with a due proportion of the accruing rent to the date of
such payment. Any deed delivered by such trustee or life
tenant or holder of a defeasible estate in pursuance of such
order of court and duly recorded shall vest in the owner of
the leasehold or sub-leasehold estate, his heirs, executors, ad-
ministrators and assigns, all right, title, interest and estate
of such trustee or life tenant or holder of the defeasible estate,
and of all other persons who are or may be entitled to any
right, title, interest or estate in and to such reversion or sub-
reversion, rent or sub-rent either at law or in equity, and
whether such other persons so entitled may have vested or
contingent interests therein, or whether such persons or any
of them are, or are not, in being at the date of such redemp-
tion. Any petition filed under this section by or against a
trustee or life tenant or holder of a defeasible estate will be
sufficient in law and equity if the trustee or life tenant or
holder of the defeasible estate! be a party thereto, and it shall
not be necessary for any cestui que trustent, remaindermen or
other persons beneficially interested in the subject matter of
the petition to be a party to such petition, they being repre-
sented by the trustee or life tenant or holder of the de-
feasible estate for the purpose of the proceedings. Every
petition shall set forth the location and description of the
land, the date and place of record of the lease or sub-lease by
which such reversion and rent were created, the amount of the
annual rent, the amount for which the same is redeemable,
and also that such notice as may be required by law or by
the lease or sub-lease has been given by the owner of the
leasehold or sub-leasehold and such other facts as may be
necessary to properly present the matter to the court, and
such petition shall be sworn to by the party filing the same.
The money received from the owner of the leasehold or sub-
leasehold for the redemption of such rent or sub-rent shall
be forthwith accounted for to the court by the trustee or life
tenant or holder of the defeasible estate receiving the same,
and the court shall make such orders in reference to the
investment of the same as may be proper to the end that the
said money shall be held in place and stead of the redeemed
reversion and rent so as to enure in like manner to the
benefit of the persons entitled to said reversion and rent.
Before receiving the redemption money the trustee or life
tenant or holder of the defeasible estate shall give bond to
the State of Maryland in the penalty of the amount of
the redemption money, with a surety or sureties to be


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Session Laws, 1949
Volume 590, Page 58   View pdf image (33K)
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