(Senate Bill 132)
AN ACT to add a new paragraph to section 6 of Article
4 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland and
the Baltimore City Charter (1946 Edition), title "Bal-
timore City", sub-title "General Powers", to be known
as paragraph (22A) and to follow immediately after
paragraph (22) of said section authorizing The Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore to grant to any and all per-
sons regularly employed in, or associated with, any
cafeteria system or department operated in connection
with the public school system of said municipality, such
of the benefits and advantages of the Employees' retire-
ment System of the City of Baltimore as said munici-
pality may provide by ordinance; specifying certain
credits which may be allowed said persons for prior
service; providing that said persons who shall become
employed in, or associated with, any such cafeteria
system or department after the passage of said ordinance
shall submit to a certain medical examination before
becoming a member of said Employees' Retirement
System, and declaring this act to be an emergency
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That a new paragraph be and it is hereby added to Section
6 of Article 4 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Mary-
land and the Baltimore City Charter (1946 Edition),
title "Baltimore City", sub-title "General Powers", to be
known as Paragraph (22A), to follow immediately after
Paragraph (22) of said Section, and to read as follows:
(22A) Pensions for School Cafeteria Employees
To grant to any and all persons regularly employed in,
or associated with, any cafeteria system or department
operated in connection with the public school system of
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, such of the
benefits and advantages of the Employees' Retirement
System of the City of Baltimore, established by Ordinance
No. 553, approved February 1, 1926, and amendments
thereto, as the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore may
by ordinance provide, except that the Retirement System
shall not be liable for the payment of any pensions or
other benefits on account of said persons, for which
reserves have not been previously created from funds
contributed specifically for such benefits by the City or